Look at the high roller over here, able to afford to cook 2 eggs at once. Even has the gall to take 3 yolks for themselves. Looks delicious tho
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Good looking cast iron
I eat toast. I worry this isn't dull enough. 😅
Double yolk, Fuck yeah!
That's the breakfast of champions right there. Also great looking cast iron.
God I love breakfast, although I've been fasting until noon so I don't have breakfast during breakfast anymore 🤔
Breakfast for lunch or dinner is awesome.
There is no bad time of day for bacon eggs and toast and I will die on this hill.
Dull Men's Club? Sorry, I'm confused - cuz this seems like a kickass way to start the day. Am I a dull man?
I did say it would be the highlight...
But... but this is life! If living for good food makes me a dull man, so be it.
Very nice. I'm also a big eggs in the the cast iron every morning kind of guy
Have you ever tried baking them in the oven on cast iron?
We have a cast iron cookie sheet, when everyone wanted eggs in the morning it was easier to crack a tray full and bake them. Takes above 8 minutes at 350 , but ovens vary.
They turn out with whites almost like they were poached, but over cooking can make them a bit too firm.
Wow, two yolks for the price of one!
Someone you know may be pregnant with twins.
I am inspired to prepare egges.
Edit: My wife was preparing two of the last three egges, leaving just one egge for me. Since I wanted two egges, that was insufficient, and so I prepared zero egges.
Im confused. Surely if you were hoping for two eggs, one egg would be better than zero eggs.
Knowing that one egg would joy be enough, that would have meant also making a little bit of something else. I did not want to prepare two different things.
Instead, I just made a sufficient amount of something else.
Mmmm. Sunny side up. They look delicious
Delicious looking grease layer, were you cooking bacon in there?
I always use half bacon grease half butter.
Solid mix. I use coconut oil because I’m trying to pretend I’m healthy, but nothing really beats animal fat.
What skillet are you using there? The texture makes me say it's something modern. Lodge is a huge brand right now, so that's my guess. And the eggs size compared to the diameter make me say 8". Am I close?
Yes, it's a Lodge 8.5 inch.