Square Enix Staff Discover Cache Of Pristine Retro Games, Some Of Which Date Back 30 Years | Time Extension
Vintage gaming community.
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That's amazing but some game companies should embrace and respect their history more. I spent many many hours doing laps on Hard Drivin' as it's one of the few games I had.
Awesome. A sealed copy of Klax. I'm sure at least one guy is happy about that.
Back in the 90s we had a convenience store down the street that had a multi-game arcade machine with four games in it, and they’d swap out the games periodically for other games and whatnot. Klax was in there for quite a while so I have some fond memories of that game. “KLAX WAVE” is burned into my brain forever.
Would love for squenix to bring back Anachronox
Send it to me. I'll take care of it.