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The original was posted on /r/luciddreaming by /u/dreamshinobi on 2023-09-26 04:58:33.
Hi everyone! I I started having lucid dreams recently almost everyday even after leaving the practice for several months(6+) i left lucid dream because even after 90+ lucid i wasn't able to control the dream i would just simply woke up or continue the story in a non lucids dream untill the last lucid dream before leaving the practice i had my first dream control i learnt to fly!
Since then i wasn't giving time to it at all and i didn't had a single lucid dream in Between this period untill 2 weeks ago i found myself dream controling in everydream i can remember and getting lucid due to it, and now this month i had 8 lucid dreams, I'm not using any practice so now i want to return but I'm afraid I'll mess it up but practing in the wrong way
I want help to understand why I'm suddenly getting lucid and how can i maintain it...