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The original was posted on /r/luciddreaming by /u/CameToShit on 2023-10-06 21:23:54.
I call it a tragedy, but you may laugh.
This summer I read a reddit post and decided I was ready. Did WILD. Directly. Without WBTB.
I failed for hours, for entire nights, day after day (4+ days?). I tried at keeping it up, and somehow never ever realized that something probably was up...
This happened: Yesterday I awoke, it was midnight. I read a book for 10-20 minutes. When I returned, I tested WILD to see if it would do.
Instantly, in minutes, I was in a dream and very aware. So that's the missing piece! You know, doing actual research? Anyways. It worked. A tunnel rushed to me. I did arithmetics for grounding.
By arrogant, futile, and soul-suckingly-extensive WILD attempts, I made it second nature, and had an LD at my first WBTB...
...and screwed up that too. (see)