Based and Lemmy is our savior pilled
Political Compass Memes
Political Compass Memes only
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Orange by itself isn't part of the Political Compass and must be accompanied by another quadrant. -
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b. For any content from other social medias, all names and usernames, except those of public figures, must be fully blocked out.
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Memes about a single quadrant of the Political Compass are allowed.
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Properly label your post with a tag contained in square brackets[tag]
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This rule applies to any image/twitter post/news article/etc that has been falsified or modified beyond its original form for any reason.
As a poster, it's your responsibility to know what you are posting. Ignorance is no defense here. -
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See your profile and pills on
I know that some people might think it's weird that I live in my toiletbed and also happen to be a moderator on the PCM sub, but let me tell you, it's the best thing ever! I get to play video games, watch anime, and be in charge of all the other users on the server, all the while living in the comfort of my toiletbed.
I've got my gaming setup down here, my computer where I can keep an eye on the PCM server, a mini fridge stocked with mountain Dew and Doritos, and of course my mom's home-cooked meals. Plus I've got a comfy bet and all the snacks I could want, and let's be real, what more could a guy want?
Being a moderator is a full-time job. and I am always on the lookout for rule-breakers and trolls. I spend hours on the sub, making sure that everyone is following the rules and that everyone is having a good time- And if they don't follow the rules, I'll just kick them out. It's so cool to have that kind of power.
But, living in the toiletbed does have its perks. For one, I don't have to worry about noise levels or being too loud, and my mom is always around to bring me food and drinks. Plus, I'm close to the laundry room so I can keep my clothes clean and impress my online friends.
All in all, being a subreddit moderator is the best thing ever and I wouldn't trade it for anything, even if I do happen to be living in my toiletbed. It's not the most glamorous life, but it's mine and I make the best of it. So, if you happen to be on our PCM subreddit, know that there's a toiletbed-dwelling moderator, who also happen to be a anime and Mountain Dew enthusiast, a bit socially awkward, probably never had a real-life girlfriend, is just a big kid at heard and happen to be a neckbeard, keeping an eye on things.
I know that some people might think it’s weird that I live in my toiletbed and also happen to be a moderator on the PCM sub, but let me tell you, it’s the best thing ever! I get to play video games, watch anime, and be in charge of all the other users on the server, all the while living in the comfort of my toiletbed.
I’ve got my gaming setup down here, my computer where I can keep an eye on the PCM server, a mini fridge stocked with mountain Dew and Doritos, and of course my mom’s home-cooked meals. Plus I’ve got a comfy bet and all the snacks I could want, and let’s be real, what more could a guy want?
Being a moderator is a full-time job. and I am always on the lookout for rule-breakers and trolls. I spend hours on the sub, making sure that everyone is following the rules and that everyone is having a good time- And if they don’t follow the rules, I’ll just kick them out. It’s so cool to have that kind of power.
But, living in the toiletbed does have its perks. For one, I don’t have to worry about noise levels or being too loud, and my mom is always around to bring me food and drinks. Plus, I’m close to the laundry room so I can keep my clothes clean and impress my online friends.
All in all, being a subreddit moderator is the best thing ever and I wouldn’t trade it for anything, even if I do happen to be living in my toiletbed. It’s not the most glamorous life, but it’s mine and I make the best of it. So, if you happen to be on our PCM subreddit, know that there’s a toiletbed-dwelling moderator, who also happen to be a anime and Mountain Dew enthusiast, a bit socially awkward, probably never had a real-life girlfriend, is just a big kid at heard and happen to be a neckbeard, keeping an eye on things.
Hey Demon :)
Welcome to the federated side, now I just gotta unfuck my profile for both here and mastodon.
Based and unfucking pilled
This is a bot test
It's sad that some of the communities I want to follow block this instance when all are see are people having fun shitppsting across the political spectrum.
One of the first 10 users of the new empire. 😤
Based and brotherhood pilled.
Lol, this but with the site's url instead of "Lemmy" pinned to the locked sub.
This is all nice and well, but how do I flair? How do I get my bases and pills?
Based and Lemmy pilled
Beep boop.
This is an automated response.
Based and where's the bot pilled? GET BCB IN HERE NAO. I NEED TO GIVE PILLS
The bot is dead didn't you see Nerds comment smh.
Based and dead bot pilled
Based and romancing the bot pilled