been there done that xD
im central european. afaik here the boycott and buy european mentality isnt yet in full force. i first said that i will boycott/buy european and from western countries. then i said pls join me in the Olvid messaging app instead of whatsapp. chrome disabled ublock origin a few days ago so i said switch to vivaldi or atleast "easier" brave. i have sent my fsmily a few charts of firms which are from america and another chart of alternatives of apps.
na hes retarded all by himself xD no help needed
nice, i like that it will be this way. just dont overmoderate thx :)
yes, i didnt change anything.
it worked because i selected english i guess. undetermined was already on.
thx! i see all comments now!
yours is the only comment i can see.
in austria we call them taitschlond.
Trump recommended Lemmy indirectly to me. ;)