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[–] AWOL_muppet 1 points 3 weeks ago

Oh for sure, heartily agree. Didnt mean anything akin to 'shut up and take it.

Those 'in power' should absolutely lead by example (and there's bound to be plenty of time before the victims can actually pull back from 'defence mode' - now I'm starting to think of it in the same context as abusive relationships, however). Sorry, my analogies are all over the place!

[–] AWOL_muppet 2 points 3 weeks ago
[–] AWOL_muppet 5 points 1 month ago

Hell yeah! Let's have a politician pureé to go with our billionaire bbq

[–] AWOL_muppet 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I've been thinking about this a lot, cos while I understand the privatisation in the 80s of rail (and electricity generation?) was largely understood to be an unmitigated disaster it also happened in context with the stock market crash and whatever else - I just don't know much about that time, being a kid back then, and all...

Does anyone have a good story to simplify it? Someone pointed me to a great podcast (the spinoffs juggernaut) about it, but it's about 8 hours long, so I haven't had a chance to dip my toes in...

I think Seymour's being a fuckin Looney, but that's because it's not ownership that matters - it's the service that's important, not the profits. Once profit steps in, it takes over the other priorities, plain and simple. The govt might be a clunky tool for running things, but it's sure better than private enterprise (or worse, state-sanctioned monopoly!)

[–] AWOL_muppet 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Fair point - I'd moved on from this example of the tiered pricing to the big picture of 'how does a society eliminate racism' in principle.

You are right about this.

I do wonder what might the future look like though, when we're all trying to 'get one back' either due to responding to the systemic racism or ...bear with me here, the hypothetocal is a little gross: counter-responses: lets imagine pakeha with perceived past hurts in response to similar gestures? (as im sure there are quite a few completely blind to their privilege and so on...). I'm not saying they did the wrong thing at all with the gesture, I'm merely trying to find ways to avoid escalating things (which in hindsight sounds dangerously like 'peace at any price', but I don't think it is...).

[–] AWOL_muppet 2 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Yeah, I get what you mean.

I'm hoping somehow there's a way where we can get to some sort of parity and then work to de-escalate from there, but I actually just don't think humans can do that.

We really need better tools to handle our insecurities, as a species...

[–] AWOL_muppet 1 points 1 month ago (6 children)

So, what's the answer then - woukd it be just declaring there is no racism in NZ and trying to keep everything 'level'?

[–] AWOL_muppet 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Charming... The main rule is 'don't be a dick', no need to come in strong.

You are correct that they had an 'emotional argument' (as opposed to a rational one - I'm sure there's better terms for these), but need you be so obnoxious about it?

[–] AWOL_muppet 2 points 3 months ago

I suspect there's a lot of this going on:

[–] AWOL_muppet 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It's a fairly profound contrast, I gather, between the urban/young vs. the rural/aged.

Dunno what we can do about that, really - but it's looking more and more like the divide in America, unfortunately (and I think Seymour butts is consciously pushing for that, sadly)


This sounds like an amazing development for them

[–] AWOL_muppet 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I've had good luck with windy

[–] AWOL_muppet 3 points 3 months ago

Good point, the travel disruption and congregation on parliament grounds was the protest


While I'm never excited about these general uses, it seems like they did a reasonably good job with this experiment. Hopefully other Dept's don't just loosely 'throw it in'...

Some tidbits:

The AI operated on a fixed dataset. It did not collect information, nor did it tap into the main client record systems, so privacy risks were low.

It did not learn from the queries staff made or the information they used with it, and did not add that information to its learning banks, the reports said.

The two tests - first with 25 staff, then with 300 - found that along with boosts to service came gains in employee wellbeing, such as helping people with ADHD or poor hearing focus more in meetings, or those with dyslexia to revise content.


I was curious to hear what people think of the telecom breakup into chorus (and wasn't there a third party as well?) after all these years?

I was working there at the time, so some of the staff training was entertaining. I felt like they seemed to be on board with the general thrust of the changes, which I was a little surprised about (I expected a little more lip-service, I guess?)

Has it been a good change? I feel like the national fibre has been great but that's not actually related (but may have relied on the breakup as a precursor?)


What got me the most was:

"I am really comfortable with asking government agencies to consider, are there ways that you can innovate to deliver the same level of service while taking less taxpayer dollars to do it."

"In fact, that should be how we conduct ourselves every day, not just in the lead up to a Budget"

Honestly, we've been doing that every year for decades, now!


Now is time to change Te Papa's Treaty of Waitangi display, the museum's co-leaders say.

It comes after the museum left a defaced version of the Treaty of Waitangi on display over summer to enable "valuable conversations" about te Tiriti o Waitangi


Te Papa said it would consult with te Tiriti experts, iwi and communities for the permanent exhibition


The removed panel will be stored by the museum, and while no decision has been made about its future, Johnston said it was part of the exhibition's history and the story of te Tiriti o Waitangi.

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