
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 day ago

I literally started due to lemmy posts. I just went in order and watched TOS and TNG. Now I'm going through DS9. I'm really glad I did, because it's amazing!

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Exactly my thoughts. You could copy that speech from the beginning, replace every instance of Germany/Germans with Russia/Russians, replace Poland with Ukraine, and you'll have milions of people nodding as saying: "Yes, that makes sense, defend Russia!"

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

As someone working in the tech industry (not from the US), the comparatively better working conditions and pay compared to most other jobs sadly create a big bubble for most people, where the ideas of exploitation seem like they only occur in manual labour jobs. There doesn't seem to be much of class consciousness when you and your colleagues are better off than most other people.

[–] 15 points 4 days ago

Black metal as a genre. I could not believe that anyone seriously listened to that. It was either random noise or actually scary stuff (I am the black wizards actually scared me for some reason lol). But after enough exposure and playing Freezing moon myself, I actually got to enjoy it to the point where now I listend to black metal 80% of the time.

In the same vein, "Sons of Winter and Stars" by Wintersun was so unharmonized and terrible to me when I first listened to it, but after a few listens it became one of my favourite songs

[–] 2 points 5 days ago

Mostly Cellar Darling, Sargeist and Behexen. I listened to some Amon Amarth yesterday, but death metal kinda bores me quickly, and I'm used to spinning like 3 albums for months on end

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

The perfect feline supplement can only be found through trial and error

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

My headcanon is that Data names every cat he owns 'Spot' and he has different cats throughout the series

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

He also made beautiful poetry that many of us can relate to:

You tell me to do this,
He tells me to do that.
You're all bastards,
Go fuck your mother.

"Poem about bastards" by Zhang Zongchang

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I never heard about the tildeverse before, sounds really interesting. How does one choose which tilde to join, though? It seems to me like only has a specific theme, while the rest only differ in the OS running on the machine. Or are tildes just there to host your account, while all the interactions are done via irc?

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I figured that she noticed him visually, a shadow was cast or she saw movement. Anon also said that she heard her mom "for the first time" when she got the implant.

Taking all this into account, while the greentext seems to have avoided the first label of homosexuality, the verity of the story nevertheless has to be put into question.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, the texture is not the best, but I found that cooking oats in water and adding frozen berries makes it really good taste-wise. And a colleague told me that adding milk to oats cooked in water is almost the same as cooking them in milk.

But man, adding semolina to your oats and cooking them with milk makes suuuuch a good breakfast because the semolina provides a tasty dense medium in which the oats are suspended.


MetaGer, the privacy-focused search engine of the non-profit association SUMA-EV, will no longer exist in its familiar form. It will still be possible to use the token-financed service. Nothing will change for members and users who use MetaGer with a key. However, it is the ad-financed search that has ensured the main part of the revenue and thus the operation and further development. Unfortunately, this “normal” search is no longer possible as of today. This is just as dramatic as it sounds: it is no longer possible for SUMA-EV to continue to employ staff. All employees are being made redundant, as are the offices.

The reason is that Yahoo terminated our contracts unilaterally and without any notice on Monday. Upon request, we were merely informed that Yahoo would no longer be operating the business in Germany. For us as the operator of MetaGer, this means on the one hand that we no longer receive any advertising revenue, which has been used to pay for office space, servers and employees. On the other hand, we will also no longer be able to deliver our search results as part of the ad-financed search. Only with Yahoo did we have a central deal to receive search results in return for advertising. This no longer applies.

What happens now? MetaGer's supporting association, SUMA-EV, will continue to exist. It will also still be possible to buy a key for the token-financed search and search with MetaGer. With this model, MetaGer will still be able to query paid search engines and deliver the results without tracking as usual. We will also continue to work for SUMA-EV and MetaGer on a voluntary basis to ensure the operation of this small niche, but this will of course be on a very small scale and not what MetaGer is all about. MetaGer-Maps can also no longer be operated in this context. The plans to become bigger and to one day provide a really good alternative to “the big players” with its own index (or European index) have of course died with this termination by Yahoo. And that is what is really sad.


Seven Spires released a new album back in June. This is my favorite song, but the entire album is amazing.


cross-posted from:

DW Video.


A crane I made with 2cm x 2cm paper


Some black metal from Serbia. Below are the lyrics and my translation

Zalutao pod veo košmara / I wandered under the veil of nightmares

Često usnim brisan prostor / I often dream of a cleared space

Negde i nigde, na granici svetova / Somewhere and nowhere, on the edge of worlds

Dubok je koren strahova / The root of fears is deep

I sanjam... / And I'm dreaming of...

Serpentine guste magme / Snaking flows of thick magma

Nema izlaza odavde / There is no escape from here

Peku se na tihoj vatri / They're burning on a silent fire

I žrtve i dželati / Both victims and executioners

I sve što još ne poznade smrti lice / And everything that had not yet known the face of death

Obgrliše kosturnice / Was embraced by ossuaries

Zastao je dašak jave / A breath of lucidness lingered

Ko u šaci zrno soli / Like a grain of salt in the palm

Možda se i iskobeljam / Maybe I'll get out

Kovčezi nam nisu okovi / Coffins aren't our chains

Serpentine guste magme / Snaking flows of thick magma

Nema izlaza odavde / There is no escape from here

Tu je neki zid, ruina / There's a wall, a ruin

Pored polje puno crkotina / Next to it a field filled with carrion

Gasovi i isparenja / Gases and fumes

Na sve strane plamti litosfera / The lithosphere is on fire on all sides

Obliven znojem, budim se / I wake up covered in sweat

Kraj istih ruševina, gde sve / Next to the same ruins, where everything

Što poznade smrti lice / That knew the face of death

Progutaše kosturnice / Got swallowed by ossuaries


Some black metal from Croatia


One of my absolutely favourite symphonic metal bands.

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