magazine front cover
I'm genderfluid, I write whoever I wanna.
banging weed brownies or absolute dogshit
Depends on the check.
Yeah, I remember backing it on kickstarter.
Honestly, this is sort of exactly what I wanted out of asking this, thank you so much!
If I watch everything on a monitor via my computer, do I still need to pay a TV license fee or do I only need to play it if I want to use iPlayer? How does that all work? I definitely will not have an actual TV for a while.
That's for tuning into TV stations and iPlayer.
Technically not entirely new, but I'm hoping to introduce my group to Changeling: the Dreaming. It's a personal favourite system, and I think it's probably going to work better than D&D for what I personally want to run.
I've misread the at proto docs, and understood that it could have been a way to combine twitter with a feed reader, and honestly, that sounds like a good idea for a platform.
I'm over here enjoying Changeling: the Dreaming.