
joined 8 months ago
[–] 20 points 2 months ago (4 children)

This guy cried about liking beer and he's in charge of the law of the land.

[–] 17 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I still meet people who trust a police officer to have their best interests in mind.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I was absolutely part of the KoL community in the 2000s-2010s, and left when I aged out of their KoL Radio/podcast stuff.

I remember hearing about it during West of Loathing launch and definitely one of the reasons I avoided the game during release. But I came around during the pandemic and I wonder if there was an aftermath.

I'm digging through the internet right now. This was one of their apologies, also from that 2019 time.

Would you happen to know of any recent updates?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)


Just because every single day, we have a news story of police being a bad apple, from shooting a man seven times in the back of the head in a wheelchair, to countless rapes of young women, to assaulting people in their own homes, to physical abuse to their own spouses, to discharging their firearms unnecessarily like the time a cop shot at a woman at a gas station, or the time they told a bunch of kids to crawl for their lives because they were biking on the sidewalk, or the time a cop murdered a kid for waving a toy around...

I think you're just not giving them a chance.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Because scary words!

[–] 7 points 2 months ago

That reminds me. There was a story about a cheater who sold tools for disrupting multiplayer games and it was pretty popular.

Then he added a crypto miner in there which went undetected for a long time and then he ghost.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago
[–] 5 points 2 months ago

Or going after rock music for violence.

Or video games for violence.

Or dungeons and dragons for violence.


[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Today I learned:

They have a better quality of life than a bunch of southeast asian countries.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago


I love all three.

[–] 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Lol the idea of a medical courier waiting in line at the TSA rummaging through their organ containers because they flagged it sus in the x-ray machine.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago

You don't like poorly trained, poorly paid rent-a-cops screaming at you to take of your shoes and empty your pockets and x-ray you while they steal your Nintendo Switch?


I know this is probably a shitposting meme. And my wife and my female friend, when I asked them, both laughed and said, "Yeah all the time." I can't tell if it's sarcasm.

I asked this because Im a guy, and we've heard it all before. The guy plowing a warm apple pie. The ookie cookie BS. The jerk off with a sock. Dudes have done some weird things. I absolutely have found myself relieving some stress in interesting ways.

But veggies: Is this a common thing? Am I going to have to worry that my daughter, when she reaches a curious age, starts exploring with vegetables?

During puberty, should I start giving my children Amazon gift cards or no questions ask money to protect my produce?

I am aware this question is ridiculous and I am prepared to be ridiculed.


I hope this is okay. As a web dev who loves phaser, I love this stuff.

If it's not, I apologize profusely.


At around 6 a.m. on July 4, John Sexton was walking with his 6-year-old son, who has autism. He was stopped by two officers for suspicious activity before being thrown to the ground and briefly detained.

"We've had over 200 phone calls this weekend," Daugherty said.

While it isn't his department, the sheriff called for both officers involved to be taken off of the streets while OSBI works the case.

"I can understand why they feel the way that they do, because of hearing that child scream is one of the hardest things," Daugherty said.

That officer has a history of other complaints, including from his former colleagues, according to the sheriff.


That Bethesda Union looking even better now.


I was reading about Dungeon Meshi and Kuro, the "kobold".

Kobolds are usually depicted as canine humanoids in Japanese media compared to the more reptilian humanoids that kobolds are depicted as in western media[4] such as Dungeons and Dragons. The reason for this is credited as either a mistranslation of the first Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual[5] or because of the lack of reference art in said Monster Manual, but a picture of a jackalwere being present on the opposite page[6], which was then used as reference art for the anime, The Record of the Lodoss War. That anime is credited for solidifying the trope of canine kobolds in Japanese media.


And the supporting youtube video

Bonus fact: piglike orcs.

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