People who are so used to getting everyone to stop what they're doing get upset when they aren't the center of attention.
I just realized I have no idea who pays for Let's Encrypt. I just run the server commands, automate it, and move on.
Me, as a American: Huh, we just set up camps in Guantanamo Bay to pick up immigrants? That's fucked up.
Also Me, as a American: China does some shit with the uyghu? That's fucked up.
Society: (ignoring Guantanamo bay) Yeah fuck China!
Also me, as a American: openAI stole art. Wow.
Also me, as a American: Deepsink stole from OpenAI? Hilarious.
Society: Hey fuck you for supporting China! You can't even write Tiananmen square on there! Winnie the Pooh! Winnie the Poooooooh!
Happy to hear my job said they didn't have plans to remove anything. But it's not on paper/expressed on the news yet. Here's hoping.
In my 20s, this girl I met was vomiting from both ends from a bad night of partying, and I was there taking care of her. She ugly-cried about how other guys left her in her mess.
We've been married for more than a decade.
After watching Trump boost his crypto scams, I absolutely believe that the X wallet or whatever has the means to successfully fleece morons.
Why is the Tennessee GOP praising Infamous Liberal Adolf Hitler then?
"Haha Democrats, Republicans... They're all the same! Haha. Haha. Ha. Ha...."
(me wishing CVS/Rite aid/Walgreens didn't destroy all the mom and pop drug stores)
They do. It's the secret aisle, behind the store. Ask for Kenny.
OP, This little knife isn't strong enough for my workload.
I require that you make a "RAM Blade".
Maybe not that early, and also not everything.
When we met, I was obsessed with collecting dead bugs and in retrospect, I kinda sucked at it and it was gross. I didn't tell her about it until a few years later and she laughed at it. But had I told her about it at the start, I dunno.
My wife also hid her Tarot cards collection. For good reason too... At the time, I was extremely bitter at the state of Collectable card games and was trashing everything. But a few years later when I wasn't such an asshole about it, I accepted her hobby.