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An 87-year-old Holocaust survivor called the U.S. president's plan to permanently force Palestinians out of Gaza "completely immoral and illegal, and also impractical and absurd."


Windows 95 began development in earnest in mid-1992 under the codename "Chicago". A combination of a few other internal projects at Microsoft, 95 would create the template that Windows would follow for years to come. So, let's chart its development process with the help of some leaked Chicago builds!


Windows 95 began development in earnest in mid-1992 under the codename "Chicago". A combination of a few other internal projects at Microsoft, 95 would create the template that Windows would follow for years to come. So, let's chart its development process with the help of some leaked Chicago builds!


Windows 95 began development in earnest in mid-1992 under the codename "Chicago". A combination of a few other internal projects at Microsoft, 95 would create the template that Windows would follow for years to come. So, let's chart its development process with the help of some leaked Chicago builds!


In November 1902, The mountain of Santa María in Guatemala, Erupted without warning, wiping out thousands of people, no knew it was a volcano, and on top of that the government tried to cover it up..


In November 1902, The mountain of Santa María in Guatemala, Erupted without warning, wiping out thousands of people, no knew it was a volcano, and on top of that the government tried to cover it up..


In November 1902, The mountain of Santa María in Guatemala, Erupted without warning, wiping out thousands of people, no knew it was a volcano, and on top of that the government tried to cover it up..


This study investigates how born-digital memes about high-profile events can serve as rich archival resources for understanding contemporary cultural phenomena and public sentiment by using a linked-data framework. Using a mixed-method approach, this study analyzes memes from a high-profile trial through web scraping and linked-data structures to map themes, sentiments, and cultural references. The linked-data frame includes data collection and integration, semantic web technologies, ontology development, and API data access. The findings point to dominant narratives and shifting sentiment, which further illustrate how such memes reflect and contribute to the polarization of the societal discourse concerning the event. This research is relevant for understanding digital culture, exploring the archival potential of born-digital materials, and assessing the dynamics of public opinion in widely publicized cases. By showing the efficiency of linked data methodologies in the analysis of born-digital discourse, we add valuable insights to both digital humanities and social sciences, offering a new approach of studying ephemeral online content as cultural artifacts.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Thank you, I edited it.

[–] -4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

I did not mean 'widen' in that sense—reading and being informed is not about the quantity of news one can swallow in a day, you know—but with the idea of reading different sources.

I don't know what are you digging into.

Also, may I ask how can you be reading three fucking hundred news sources regularly (not daily, obviously) with any sort of attention?

I read by hour, due to my free time(usually it does fetch 50 articles per hour, much less on holidays and I only read the interesting ones to me.)

It's pretty perfect for me.

[–] -4 points 1 day ago (6 children)

I follow more than 300 news sources by RSS (all without paywalls), how wide you want me to go?

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

You can post third party source that discuess the orginal article and that way you can gurantee accessibility and almost full info.

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