
joined 10 months ago
[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Cool, yeah that's fair enough. I was unsure about sharing my own channel here too, considering I'm very careful about my privacy.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 months ago

Yeah, it's referring to the memberships you can begin as a monthly donation to specific creators, not the Premium subscription that directly supports Odysee.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I just find them annoying. They won't stop spawning in my base-area when I would rather see them travelling out in the wilderness. It's improved slightly now that they drop the ominous bottle instead of immediately giving you Bad Omen.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 months ago
[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 months ago

There is moderation, the ability to report content and comments, and community guidelines. Odysee having a complete lack of moderation is a myth, and I have personally had content removed by moderators before by reporting it.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)

I've never cared to generate income on my own channel, so I'm not sure how all of it works. But the main way that I know of is through channel tips. There's a ($ Support) button below every channel and content upload, which lets you directly tip the creator. You can use Patreon or anything else if you want to, but the functionality is built in. Odysee gets a 5% cut of all the tips sent to channels. There may be other ways of making money, but I'm not aware of what they might be.

Edit: Heres's their help page about monetization: https://help.odysee.tv/category-monetization/

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Awesome! What's your channel?

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 months ago

They also earn money from the optional premium subscriptions, the 5% cut from channel donations, and 100% of the donations sent directly to them. The way the direct donations work is by going to a video, and just below it, clicking the "$ Support" button and making the donation either via cash or LBC. That's an option for all channels on the platform.

Otherwise, I don't know the ins-and-outs of how the decentralised blockchain system works, but they do not have to host all of the sites content themselves, as it is also voluntarily hosted by other users. I'm not sure how this works at the moment; it previously worked by being a user of the LBRY Desktop app, but after the LBRY company shut down, and the LBRY app went away, I'm not sure how other people host the pieces of that content anymore. They are moving away from the LBRY blockchain protocol, over to the Arweave protocol, so I imagine they will bring out an Arweave app that may replace the LBRY app which that was used previously.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 months ago

It does. You can get it on the Google Play Store or F-Droid. F-Droid version is very outdated though. You can always officially get the latest version directly from apk.odysee.tv.

I only found out about that link to the latest version a few days ago, and I was previously using the F-Droid version to avoid using Google services. I don't know how much better the latest version is, but my experience with the very outdated F-Droid version was that the app was very slow and laggy. I heard that performance tends to be quite good or terrible depending on your phone; my phone is just a cheap android phone from a few years ago, so it makes sense it didn't run well for me. I haven't tested the latest version yet.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 months ago

I'm glad my reaching out has helped find people who've never heard of it. It's got quite a lot of users, but has been growing very slowly in user-base the last few years, simply due to not enough people talking about it and allowing natural growth of the platform.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Well if you report a video about a conspiracy theory for example, it won't be removed unless it directly promotes or incites violence or hatred toward a particular person or group(s) if people. You may not like the content, but if it does not break the rules specifically laid out in the guidelines, it is not grounds for removal. The platforms goal is to allow as much free speech as is reasonable (and legal), not to allow people to say absolutely anything they want with no repercussions.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Thanks. It was probably because you said you used a cryptocurrency, and "You use crypto; crypto bad". I got a down-vote too, probably for the same reason of saying I wanted to pay with Monero.


I'm really late to grab mine, but can I even still get it? The cape is still being advertised in the official launcher, but whenever I go to the redeem page which was linked in the article advertised in the launcher, I keep getting taken to the 15th anniversary page where all they tell me is about all the bedrock edition marketplace content you can redeem for the anniversary, and a history of Minecraft over each of its 15 years.

I can't find anything about a cape on the page. I also can't find anything about it being a limited time offer (but it would make sense to be at least limited to 2024) outside of an unofficial guide on redeeming the cape mentioning it apparently being the case; but I can't seem to follow along that guide because nothing they tell you to do seems to be possible whenever I visit the linked pages.


The whole manifest v3 announcement happened years ago and it's been at least a year since the whole timeline...


I heard around the internet that Firefox on Android does not have Site Isolation built-in yet. After a little bit of research, I learned that Site Isolation on Android was added in Firefox Nightly, appearing to have been added sometime in June 2023. What I can't find, though, is whether this has ever been added to any stable versions of Firefox yet. Does anyone know anything about this?

Update: After further research, it appears that Site Isolation is not currently a feature in stable version of Firefox on Android. I don't know with certainty if their information is up-to-date, but GrapheneOS (A well-known privacy/security-focused fork of Android) does not recommend using Firefox-based browsers on Android due to it's (apparently) lack of a Site Isolation feature. A snippet of what Graphene currently have to say about Firefox on Android/GrapheneOS from their usage guide page, is: "Avoid Gecko-based browsers like Firefox as they're currently much more vulnerable to exploitation and inherently add a huge amount of attack surface."

On a side-note, they also say about Firefox's current Site Isolation on desktop being weaker, which I wasn't aware of. "Even in the desktop version, Firefox's sandbox is still substantially weaker (especially on Linux) and lacks full support for isolating sites from each other rather than only containing content as a whole."


Is it possible to make upvotes/downvotes on my own posts (and comments on my posts) visible, while making everyone else's invisible on the Lemmy website? I like making upvotes & downvotes invisible, because it makes it harder for me to be biased on what I upvote or downvote, based on the amount of upvotes/downvotes posts/comments already have from others. But on the other hand, I would still like to see how many upvotes & downvotes my own posts have, and how many upvotes & downvotes the comments below my post have. Thanks.


Does anyone know about the legality of removing the built-in sim cards from your car, specifically in Australia?

I don't intend on using any car smart-features when I get one. For context, I've never owned a car. When I do get one though, I intend to remove the sim card to prevent the car's location from being constantly tracked. All I care about in terms a cars functionality is a radio, a CD drive (Yes, I use CD's), and Bluetooth audio, so I don't think removing the sim card should affect this much, if at all. Any knowledge and advice would be appreciated, thankyou!

Update: What I was referring to is an eSim, which appears not to be in the form of a physical card. Even so, if possible, I would like to disable the functionality of this eSim assuming the car I purchase has one in-built. From my research, I cannot find anything that explicitly forbids disabling or removing Sims.

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