
joined 10 months ago
[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml -5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

That was never the purpose of the platform, otherwise it would have been marketed that way. The platform allows more content than YouTube does, so it's not far-fetched to assume that people would use the platform for that, and tell others they should use the platform because of that. What random people on the internet promoted the platform being good for is not the same thing as the platform owners themselves creating the platform for that very purpose. If you really care about the "purpose" of the platform, just watch some of LBRY's oldest videos on the platform from before the Odysee frontend even existed yet for LBRY; where they were first revealing their visions for the platform and the progress they had made.

Also note that plenty of people upload stuff to Odysee for their preservation efforts. Just because some documentary that talks about medical misinformation or promotes a conspiracy theory (for example), exists on the platform; it doesn't necessarily mean that it's there to promote the idea; it's simply there so that people who want to see the video can see it. I'll watch content that was censored from YouTube and other big-tech social media platforms because I just want to see what was said. People have the right to that level of freedom; Odysee provides it because they should.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 5 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I found your channel, and yeah, your latest YouTube uploads are still being synced to Odysee.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 7 points 7 months ago

I don't use PeerTube much, but I plan to. This is probably why I didn't know it was bigger with Linux users. Though it makes sense since I tend to see PeerTube mentioned and linked to far more often on the internet than Odysee.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml -4 points 7 months ago (8 children)

Well I know there's a lot of right-wing content on there, but I also know there's a lot of other content there, too. So I don't think it's okay when people call it a "right-wing" platform, just because it appears to have more of it on there compared to other platforms.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml -5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (10 children)

Sorry... I apologise for the misunderstanding and mini-rant.

You appeared to me to be asking a rhetorical question in a sarcastic manner and implying that they aren't really committed to free speech, and the reason I was frustrated was because I'm quite sick of this platform being labelled as right/far-right when it isn't. YouTube was just an example one mainstream platform that censors content.

If you'd like to see an example of how committed they are to free speech, I can't really easily provide a direct source to a question that broad, but I do recommend taking a look at some of LBRY's earliest posts on Odysee which you'll find will highlight some of their original goals and vision (LBRY is the protocol Odysee used to use, and Odysee was created by the same team as LBRY). Otherwise, maybe just take a look around the platform, and try to see what kind of opinion or political-related content is on the platform that you don't tend to see on others which have greater censorship.

Edit: Accidentally commented early, so had to edit it to finish typing. Edit 2: Clarified info about who LBRY is.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 13 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I've noticed that the Linux and open-source community is pretty big there, too; with a lot of them being part of the privacy community. I'm a part of this community on Odysee.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 3 points 7 months ago (4 children)

If you have some favourite YouTube channels from the cars and basketball world, you should try contacting them personally and asking them to sync their channel with Odysee. Even if they choose not to; at least they've heard of it now, know at least some of their audience may want them to, and may consider it in the future 🙂.

It might not work asking in YouTube comments though, but it's worth a try. The reason I say this is I've personally tried it multiple times over the past year, and strangely I've been noticing that YouTube appear to be switching between banning the word "Odysee" spelled specifically that way, and not banning it. I would comment something with the word Odysee, and no matter what happens, it would immediately disappear the moment I refresh the page -- commenting anything else would work fine. A few months later, I tried it again and it worked. Some time after that, it stopped working again, and it was like that for quite a while. Fast forward a month or two, and I again checked it a few days ago, and it seems to be currently working again; and all my previous comments from the past about Odysee have reappeared in my comment history, when they previously would not appear in my comment history. So now could be a good time to comment. It wasn't a glitch with my account, because I tried it with two separate ones.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 2 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Cool. What's your channel? I have a gaming channel for no-commentary playthrough's. It's not synced from YouTube, though.

[–] DreitonLullaby@lemmy.ml 7 points 7 months ago (5 children)

You sometimes see that stuff on Odysee because they don't censor it, unless it promotes violence or hatred to individuals. They do have community guidelines after all, since they can't legally host... illegal content. In that sense there is censorship because they can't not censor things to some extent; but the free speech and large lack of censorship is their goal regardless. As an Odysee user for over 2 years, this is the minority of content on the platform. Where you do see that content that breaks the rules... that's what the report button is for.

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