
joined 11 months ago
[–] ElfWord@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Three Dog, the radio DJ for "Galaxy News Radio" within Fallout 3, was one of the best parts of the game.

The Fallout series has lots of other media within media too, like the Grognak the Barbarian comic series or Cat's Paw magazine.

[–] ElfWord@lemmy.world 13 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I would like to see Zach Braff as a lead or regular in something new.


Seems like a clever and quite positive way to raise awareness of how climate change will impact Boston.

“The idea was that this narrative about the climate monsters would be driven by kids, because their generation and future generations are the ones who will face the most volatile effects of climate change,” says Brophy. “It’s empowering them to approach this overwhelming problem from a new perspective, and to think about ways that they can write themselves into being the heroes of the story.”


In its final four months, the brewery will still have Patio Season, Festbier and a new fall menu.


Free live music in Cambridge, Fisherman's Feast in North End, 4 museums with free admission, Dine Out Boston, and more.


Over a seven-day period in July, the foundation said it identified 15 locations where methane gas concentrations posed the risk of fire or explosion.

CLF found more than 200 public shade trees dead or dying from methane poisoning from leaking gas pipelines.

"National Grid’s leak data shows it allows hazardous Grade 1 leaks to continue leaking for more than 2 ½ years."

[–] ElfWord@lemmy.world 5 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Does Lemmy have anywhere I can see a log of which posts I've upvoted?


I wondered: Do people still host book clubs? Meet up to chat about books? Yes, it turns out. Whether you want to attend a book group in a library (where chosen books can be loaned instead of bought), a cafe or a brewery and talk about fantasy, romance or general fiction, there’s one for you here, all on stress-free monthly schedules.


State wastewater data shows the levels in Massachusetts are more than twice the national average. That's based on testing done at the end of July. National numbers are also higher than normal.

Massachusetts is among the 19 states in the CDC's "very high" range. The rest of New England is also in that range. Emergency room visits are at their highest rates since February.

This is the most COVID activity in Massachusetts since last winter.

[–] ElfWord@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago

No need to beat yourself up, just make simple changes to improve. Write a one paragraph summary for yourself after each chapter, or list key points you want to remember. The next day, review it and take 10 minutes to think about how that chapter applies to your life or other things you've read.

Once you've finished the book, rewrite & combine your notes into one or two pages and flip back through the book to find a quote or two that stands out to you. Then set a reminder on your calendar one month in the future to review your summary page.

Note-taking, rewriting notes, and spaced repetition are all proven study techniques. It's a little extra time, but it's nothing compared to the time you're spending reading, and it'll make a big difference in how well you remember your takeaways from it.

[–] ElfWord@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago (7 children)

Looks cool. I'm most concerned about the tone of the show; the games are filled with absurd, exaggerated, and cartoonish elements that work well in that medium, but might come across as unbearably cheesy in live action.

No reason not to give it a shot though. 🤞

[–] ElfWord@lemmy.world -5 points 11 months ago

It's funny because he's not nice on TV to people asking him for money so it's okay to murder him amirite


“We’re challenging the Open Fields Doctrine altogether,” Gay said. “One of the things that’s surprising to people is that the Open Fields Doctrine applies to land you’re living on, that you’re using to spend time with your family, to have conversations with your wife, to play with your children. It’s the kinds of places where you expect privacy, and you’d expect that you’d have the power to keep out unwanted intruders, but the way that the government applies the doctrine is that it only extends to the small area around your house called the ‘curtilage,’ not all the space you’re using on a day-to-day basis.”

Gay and Highlander are challenging that in their court case, in part because the camera in this case was located on property that Highlander and his family live on.

“These game wardens and other officials can kind of go onto most land whenever they want, for whatever reason they want, and they don’t have to get a warrant, and there’s no neutral magistrate or judge providing any kind of check on their behavior,” Gay said. He added that he is challenging the Open Fields doctrine specifically under the Virginia Constitution, which establishes a narrower Open Fields doctrine than federal law does. “We think that the camera’s seizure here is an entirely separate and additional level of egregious. What we’ve found is that wardens in this country won’t just enter people’s land, they will sometimes put cameras there to spy on that land, and, as you saw here, they will actually take other people’s cameras and look through it for evidence.”

[–] ElfWord@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Copyright protects small creators. If it weren't for copyright and trademark laws, any new and trending song / story / media would be instantly ripped off by corporations that would exist solely to throw budget at reproducing and popularizing their own soul-less versions of peoples' work, without any compensation for the original creators. Artists and photographers would never see a dime from the countless t-shirts, mugs, stickers, etc. other corporations would create and sell using their pictures.

I know there are many frustrating issues with how copyright law has been abused by large corporations who have gotten it extended way past the point of its original intent, but remember not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Copyright as as a basic legal concept is the only thing that gives many creators a chance to make a living from their work.

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