Coming to a telescreen near you: Two Minutes Hate, 2024+ edition.
Indeed. An update:
Elections offices in Spokane, Pierce and King counties were evacuated Wednesday after election workers found white powder in envelopes.
In a prepared statement, Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs called the incident an act of terrorism.
“The safety of staff and observers is paramount as elections workers across the state open envelopes and count each voter’s ballot,” Hobbs said. “These incidents underscore the critical need for stronger protections for all election workers.”
In Spokane County, an election worker discovered a suspicious substance and a note in an envelope Wednesday morning. The substance found in Spokane County tested positive for fentanyl, according to the Spokane Police Department.
Also, from the Seattle Times,
Tacoma police confirmed a hazmat response at the Pierce County Elections Office at about 8:45 a.m., after an elections worker found an envelope “that dispersed a white powdery substance.”
Washington State Patrol and Tacoma fire crews responded and determined the substance was baking soda, according to William Muse, a police spokesperson.
A message inside the envelope said “something to the effect of stopping the election,” Muse said. “There was no candidate that was identified. There was no religious affiliated group identified. There was no political issue identified. It was just that vague statement.”
This bit, below, is sure to get the attention of Christofascist and Christofascist-adjacent politicians in the US. They don't care at all about the welfare of the citizenry, but they do care about money and power and keeping the funnels of both wide open.
Outside money poured into the race. In the last few months alone, the effort to champion Issue 1 and abortion rights raised nearly $30m, out-raising anti-abortion forces by roughly $20m.
He's got the biggest and most smooth brian you'll find anywear. Just ask the new Speaker of the House, Pat Robertson, and he'll tell you all about it, they share the same brian after all.
Whaddya mean ... we've got pilots in the jumpseat of one flight trying to shut down the engines mid-flight, we've got pilots in another carrying guns and threatening to shoot each other over ordinary operational issues ... now that's entertainment! 🧑✈️ Waiting for an episode where the FAs gang up on a rude passenger and try to open a door (depressurizing in the process) and toss them out, all while filming on their (FA's) phones for social media points.
The NH state motto is "Live Free or Die". The motto is even on vehicle license plates. They're going to have to substantially reduce the font size to get "Live Christofascism or Die" or "Live Far-Right Totalitarianism or Die" to fit on there.
I grew up in a similar small, northern-NE "arts/tourist town" (not in NH), where, generally speaking, part of the learned ethos was that "minding your own business" was a virtue. If this kind of shit ever took hold there the town would be finished - no more tourists = no economy at all. That would of course be great for the down-country wealthy who could then swoop in and buy up land and historic old houses, close to skiing, for pennies on the dollar.
Making room for something a bit bigger, are you?
Well, that's a whisper of good news coming from ID, something that's rarely heard these days as it slides deeper and deeper into right-wing authoritarianism.
I, for one, would rest easier knowing that I won't be giving birth to any animals. Especially those human types - nothing but trouble.
Since the guy is biting the hand that used to feed him, I figured he must have pissed-off some high-up Republicans and gotten himself shunned. Never heard of him before this. But yeah, at this point, depending on who he crossed, maybe Orange Boy himself, he might consider himself to have nothing to lose. It would be interesting to know if, in his book, he confesses his GOP-related-work sins, explains them, and begs forgiveness of us. No hints of that in the vid.
"At least 20 believed dead" per the last update to that source. Also
Person of interest served in military, is a firearms instructor: Sources
Police in Maine have identified a person of interest in the shooting, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
The person of interest has a history of military service and is a firearms instructor, the sources said.
The sources said he also has a mental health history, including a two-week stay this summer at a mental health facility after he allegedly made threats about carrying out a shooting at a National Guard facility.
Double-plus thanks for that. The photos add a lot. Wow, that's one packed meeting room! I was in four different old-timey musicals (pit orchestra) in HS, including Ok!, and they were just the sweetest, most old-fashioned-values, romantic things you could imagine. When I read this article I couldn't believe that anyone would make a fuss over something as stupid as casting choices, and then seek to deprive the kids of the unforgettable experience of putting on one of these shows. Just criminal. "The set, a sturdy mock-up of a settler’s house that took students two months to build, was demolished." What bastards. I really feel for these poor kids and hope they can put all that Ugly behind them and give the town a beautiful show.