And for those who didn't click the link, the 'visceral fury' is that of the judges. Not of Cheeto, which is the way I first read it. It sounds like a headline mean to provoke fear of Drumpf, 'Oh no, daddy is mad, really mad, quick, hide under the bed!". No. Pity, it would be all the better if it was Orange Diaper Baby's visceral something or other (probably filling his diaper), it's fun to watch a spoiled brat rage. Muskrat is already coming unhinged at not being able to play with ALL the toys he wants.
He wouldn't want to get his young tech bro hands dirty with Fortran. Surely there are cross-compilers that will translate your mission-critical payments Fortran to JS, maybe with an intermediate Rust and/or TS step. Fortran -> TS -> Rust -> JS, or similar, it would be quite a feat to behold. Never mind testing (that would be "wasteful" and "inefficient"), just push to prod and sit back and watch then chaos unfold, then blame it all on Biden and, I dunno, Bill Gates maybe.
Yes, "Crew Resource Management" (CRM). I'd kinda just assumed, given that the approach isn't exactly a secret and has well-known benefits, that it was a standard approach in surgery and emergency care. Assumed wrongly. At least pilots have their own lives on the line if they FU on the job. This "surgeon" and the staff all got to go home at the end of their shifts no matter what happened to the patient.
Gerry who? Never heard of 'em.
That many Vermonters dying in Brussels?
I'm really hoping the MC is turned up to 110% thrust. The results are going to be hilarious and tax dollars well-spent.
These are almost all small consumer goods. Where are the tariffs on big-ticket industrial goods and services? On Teslas? On datacenters and cloud computing services (Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, M$FT Azure, Oracle Cloud)? Hit American BigCorps where it hurts. Make the execs and shareholders feel the pain.
As the purges commence, I'm wondering if there will even be a functioning IRS come April. When I send in my return will there be anyone at the IRS to process it?
"But Jesus makes his appearance here only as a corpse; the living man, the wine-guzzling vagrant and precocious socialist, is never once mentioned, nor anything he ever had to say. Christ crucified rules, and it may be that the true business of modern Christianity is to crucify him again and again so that he can never get a word out of his mouth."
Barbara Ehrenreich, Nickle and Dimed, chpt 2
Brilliant move! I bet the ACLU and the EFF would appreciate the relatives' generous donations as well.
Ah, it's all starting to make sense now. But why would people do such things, when Agile is absolutely not a cult?!
Nazi Musk, lock him up.