M. Knight Shamalan plot twist: they only bang on the washing machine
joined 1 week ago
I stumbled across the Cheney pic while attempting to make a different meme about what if the aliens are just wanting our oil. Then put it into the form you see
Mix of Von’s, Trader Joe’s, Sprouts, and Aldi
Also my garden supplies an ever increasing supply of vegetables fruits and herbs to the point where besides winter I don’t really buy much of those
I also go to a little bakery close by every weekend
Nawlens is a special place
Yea that’s why I included the repost
It’s a LinkedIn post I donno any details but u can sleuth it up
Guessing both dudes are in India
Trumps degeneracy just took over so you can expect more McDonald’s advertisements from the White House
It will get worse
Now someone should put that on a USB stick on a balloon to NK
Very surprised these are legal in any state