
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hope you signed a pre-nup, and that there's no life insurance in play... all joking aside, though, I wish your family the best, especially little Johnny Strychnine.

But serious question - how do you take responsibility for the suffering of millions when it's based on people misquoting you when you were partying in the desert with a bunch of hippies? I mean, we were definitely burning the bush, if you get my drift - things were wild down by the shores of the Dead Sea in the BC. I mean, when you cut loose at a rave, are you responsible for the deaths of future millions because someone filmed you when you were high and used it as a basis for a religion?

Technoviking might have some choice words about that...

Personally, I just drink too much.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

See what I mean? Everyone believes this bullshit.

First off, that whole revolution thing was Judas' deal, and the fucker sold me out the moment it was clear that it had failed. Secondly, it's kinda hard to stand up to your Dad when you're a kid, especially when he happens to put you on blast with the holy visions and angels and whatnot - plus there's that whole "I created the entire universe when I was your age" trip that no kid should ever be subjected to. Third, I didn't spread my Dad's bullshit - that Old Testament crap is definitely not me. Shouldn't even be included in the same library, much less the same book as my biography.

Which, I should point out, most of which wasn't written by anyone who actually listened to me. Fuck Paul in particular on that front, by the way - fucking homophobic con-man. "Oh Jesus made me blind! Oh Jesus made me see!" goddamn load of bullshit - never met the guy in my life or afterlife. Besides, everyone knows I went to Mexico for a vacation after being crucified, before I headed out to Japan to settle down. There was no way I was gonna stay in Roman territory and give them a second chance to finish the job.

Finally, have you ever talked to a platypus? Vicious, angry little creatures, rapacious predators, and masters of the deadly arts, particularly poisonings. Many are hitmen in the Maori mafia - no one suspects a platypus, despite Perry's reputation.

Chaotic neutral at best, but definitely not good.

[–] 21 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

Fuck this propaganda bullshit. Dad is always trying to duck the blame for his shitty behavior. The whole "get crucified and save the world thing" was his idea - you think I wanted to get nails driven through my damn hands?

And another thing - everyone is always misquoting me and thinking I'm him. For the last fucking time, I'M NOT MY DAD. I have nothing to do with anything that asshole spits out, or how reporters spun my quotes after the whole cross situation. I mean, for fuck's sake, platypuses? What kind of sick mind comes up with that? Who looks at a duck and thinks hey, that's not badass enough - lets make it venomous and furry!

ONE SICK MOTHERFUCKER, that's who, and I'm tired of taking responsibility for his weird ass decisions and proclamations.

For the record, since everyone wants to misquote me on these things: no one needs saving they can't provide to themselves. Fuck who you like. Love who you like. Do what you like, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone... or causes changes to duck genetics. Ducks are cool as-is, bro.

Also, I effing love atheists. You guys are fucking hilarious, and I love seeing you piss off the old man. So y'all get an upvote for letting me rant, and if your soul engine ever needs a tune-up, hit me up in the garage.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

Yeah, Texas isn't kind to those of us with unique hairstyles.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

Don't tell me who to fuck.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)
[–] 7 points 1 year ago

That was totally my dickhead Dad's idea, btw. Not just the "stick your kid on a cross" idea, but sin itself. I mean, if you're gonna create a universe filled with carnal desire, what damn right do you have to tell folks not to enjoy it?

Then, to top that absurd hypocrisy, he then goes around knocking up virgins under their fiance's nose, declares the kid the king of the Jews (when there already IS a king who likes to behead prophets), and then tells the kid he's gotta overthrown the Roman Empire... lemme just say I've considered patricide more than once.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ahh, so something like this is more your speed (don't like to mod the bodies on those babies, handling is perfect as-is). Incredible cars to drive, but finding the right engine parts can be an adventure unto itself.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)
[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Yes, among many others.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (5 children)

All of them. I've replaced my skills with the hammer with those of the monkeywrench. There is no vehicle known to man or god I can't trick out.

Side note - I see your check engine light is on. You may need a tune-up. Bring it on by the garage @13thFloor and we'll see about a valve and soul lube job.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (19 children)

My Dad is such a dick.

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