Other countries having our data is the least of our worries. I'm ready for China to become our new overlords if that's the only other option.
There is a reason he suddenly started bringing his little human shield with him everywhere. Suddenly he has a good relationship with his kid right after Trump got shot. I'm sure just a coincidence.
The original comment is a dumb way to say it. But fascism doesn't let you vote it out of power. Fascism doesn't respond peacefully to peaceful protest either. Organized resistance will require violence in response to the inevitable violence of the state. The key word here being organized. The time for peaceful organization and voting has passed. Once fascist are in power the only thing to be done in the political arena is meant to delay while an organized resistance force can be formed. I highly doubt that will happen. But history tells us that this is the only viable option. All other efforts are only meant to delay. But if you're only delaying and not organizing actual armed resistance than your delay is without purpose.
Storming the capital is dumb. Hardening your local neighborhood with an armed resistance and safe harbor for the targets of the fascist is where efforts should be put. This is about saving lives and building allies locally. It's the best place to put effort right now to protect the first targets of the fascist. Right now that is undocumented people. But they won't stop there. They never do.
Look into your local PSL or DSA. Us socialist are on the top of the leaderboard for Nazi killing and it's not even close. Join the SRA too. This shits not going away with votes. Fascism doesn't let you vote it out of power.
Same with my Mom. I told her "yeah, Mussolini did a good job making the trains run on time". She never responded.
Protests, strikes, or boycotts with a planned end date are next to useless. You can do that if it makes you feel good. But don't do it in place of real organizing. The best thing you can do now is organizing locally. Join your local PSL and support what they are doing.