I’m with you.
I don’t think I meant to delete my comment; I’ve been drinking too.
I’m with you.
I don’t think I meant to delete my comment; I’ve been drinking too.
Those criminals would have raised their kids to be criminals, too. It’s good the kids will be taken away to be raised by a system that will [checks notes] orphan them, abuse them, and raise them to be institutionalised. That will totally fix the problems of generational poverty and waste of societal potential, preventing those kids from becoming adults who have to steal food so their own kids can live.
Wait, why are tankies siding with magas? I’ve been intentionally away for a minute, what did I miss?
Did something major happen in the last three days? Or is this the usual redirection of hate after we’ve found something to rally around?
For real though, this may be what she’s actually thinking.
the last time I asked you if you wanted to do xyz thing, you weren't able to because of your chronic illness/disability. Are you magically not disabled so that we can do the thing now?
This is what people don’t seem to get. I feel more and more guilty with every conversation like this.
No, I don’t feel better, but I should, apparently. And that’s my fault somehow. I’m not making that up or unnecessarily putting things on myself – it’s hard to come to a different conclusion when people get progressively more disappointed the more they talk to you. When you feel like a medical depressant. I mean that literally.
Every time I’m asked this, I feel like I should feel better, and when i don’t, I’m letting them down by not being able to do the thing.
Eventually I just can’t take it anymore. I’m letting everyone down by not getting better, so not only do I feel awful physically, but also mentally because I’m disappointing everyone I know. And god forbid I meet new people who I have to explain this to again.
I don’t want to meet people anymore, because I have to go through the whole thing again, and re-explain how it’s not going to be fixed by a diet, and yes, I know all the cures and everything. It’s exhausting.
e: clarification
I’ve been in both positions – dirt poor and couldn’t get care, and also decently well-off (not rich) and still couldn’t get care, even with good insurance.
Now I’m destitute, partly because of health care debt, and am struggling to get any care at all. I seriously feel like the system actively wants me to die.
I think you’re totally right. She’s a really good mouser, and normally kills what she catches – until this week. I live in a 140 year old house, and the mice like to come inside for warmth in winter. This will only be the second winter she’s lived here with me, and she’s brought me 2 live mice this month – but only one into my bed. She may be getting frustrated that I don’t kill and eat them like I’m supposed to.
e: it kinda seems she’s trying to make it as easy as possible.
Dysautonomia causing SVT and sinus arrest. I have a loop monitor now and am on heart meds.
e: they wanted to send me home with ‘anxiety’.
Follow up:
Alt text: Now she's looking at me like this, like it's my fault I lost it. I tore the whole bed apart. She caught it, and I have to sleep with it, but that's my fault, obviously.
My response isn’t showing because I’m a dipshit: I said:
I’m with you.
I don’t think I meant to delete my comment; I’ve been drinking too.