Getting a job with the specific intent of starting a union. Article had to put three paragraphs of filler before it.
The current state of phones is WILD. Two bad options yet most everyone (including me) still use them. I actually like to use it as evidence that most people would be fine if plopped in front of Ubuntu or Debian+Gnome/KDE
ID checks to do porn have basically zero effect on minors' ability to view porn.
Thats unsportsmanlike
If it's in the game it's fair game. Cheating in video games is using tools to make decisions or inputs for you, outside reasonable disability accommodations. Or unsportsman things like ICMP flooding.
And this is relevant how exactly?
Should they? No. Need they? Yes.
Its not to say that new renewables arent good. It's just dishonest. Take a look at this paragraph:
Chicago alone has agreed to purchase approximately half the installation’s total output, which will cover about 70 percent of its municipal buildings’ electricity needs. City officials plan to cover the remaining 30 percent through the purchase of renewable energy credits.
So it's not "using 100% clean power" It's literally just earmarking (and funding)
vlc-bittorrent is meant to stream bittorrent files on VLC. So yes the two are similar.
Does this operate similarly to vlc-bittorrent or is it just clearnet streams of torrents?
Pretty sure there's a lot of context given here.