
joined 11 months ago
[–] Longpork3 10 points 3 days ago

I left my dog shut in the lounge when he was a puppy, when i came back inside half an hour later he had scratched/chewed a hole in the drywall in an attempt to follow me out. Adorable little shit.

[–] Longpork3 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

"We have the ability to do this right now, but we need to solve distribution" is exactly what an engineering problem is.

[–] Longpork3 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The problem with such systems is that every check introduced in the name of minimising fraud, is an extra hoop that someone needs to jump through to obtain legitimate benefits.

Unless you are also going to boost funding and have a well resourced, easily accesible team available to help people navigate the additional bureaucracy, you are going to do more harm to marginalised people in need than to fraudsters.

[–] Longpork3 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

At the risk of sounding like stack overflow, do you need to print such large parts? As a general rule I try to make multiple small parts that are then attached together rather than going for single parts that are very big or complex.

If you mess up a couple of placements or tolerances, or your print fails, it's much quicker to reprint just that portion.

[–] Longpork3 7 points 1 week ago

ECC is a 'good to have', but isn't critical unless your systems are.

Most of the higher costs that come with stuff advertised as "server hardware" come from the need to get 99.99% uptime instead of 99.9%, because that 0.09% represents millions of dollars, or even people's safety. If you just want to store personal data and run some basic services like a media server or a personal email, then pretty much any hardware will work, just make sure to backup your data regularly in case something goes wrong with your disks.

[–] Longpork3 1 points 3 weeks ago

The data here is simply the maximum recorded speed, which includes a bunch of edge-cases and one-time events, and is not a mean speed value. Even a stock corolla can hit 200km/h given 1km of straight road to wind up on.

[–] Longpork3 24 points 3 weeks ago

Depending on the cost of parking, it might still be a winner. Every time I park near where someone homeless is posted up I offer them whatever coins I have on me to give me a shout or a call if they see a parking warden before I come back. Cheaper than parking, and it helps local people instead of fucking Wilson's.

[–] Longpork3 11 points 3 weeks ago

Space bends due to gravity. Light continues in a straight line through the now non-linear space, thus appearing to bend.

[–] Longpork3 13 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

It wasn't even piracy. Schwartz had a legitimate right to access those materials via the university, they just trumped it up into an issue because he accessed them in a non-conventional manner and assumed he was up to something unscrupulous.

The entire case against him came down to "he seemed like he was concealing his bulk download that he was otherwise completely authorized to do, and therefore was consipring to do something"

[–] Longpork3 8 points 4 weeks ago

Murder, mass murder, child rape, then one guy who got 1800 years for selling $20 of heroin? Surely that can't be full story.

[–] Longpork3 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

A translation layer could be used, no? Check api version, translate any v1 specific calls into their v2 counterparts, then submit the v2 request?

[–] Longpork3 8 points 1 month ago

Stabbing the tyre itself is a gamble in terms of safety. Worst case the tyre basically explodes at you. cutting the stem doesn't risk the tyre zippering from a failure point, and is definitely the preferred method.

Feel free to stab and slice the sidewall once the pressure is released if you want to make the repair as expensive as possible

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