Oof, they bought you chutes and ladders (snakes and ladders where I grew up, I guess chutes makes a lot more sense) and never even played it with you..? Damn. I'm sorry
I trusted you
Holy shit
That's amazing
Some people are overly conscientious of people around them, and ask questions like these even though they are already being completely reasonable. It's a huge jump to assume they must be being an asshole, yelling into their mic etc. Try asking next time: "are you concerned about it because you tend to get excited and loud while chatting? Or is it more just a normal phone-call conversation volume?"
...talking, in your own room, is being an asshole?
I just watched a trailer for Intergalactic (by Naughty Dog). For some reason the one shot of the protagonist drinking with a straw blew me away. The micro expressions are so subtle but play so perfectly in the scene, it feels incredibly real in that moment.
The rest is also incredible, but of course still has something that gives it away... It's becoming harder for me to pinpoint what that something is, though. Something to to with the eye muscles I think?
Edit for trailer link: https://youtu.be/VLGy63pt9vA?si=FcK3nEd2_hSOYK-N
Don't delete. There is no hive. Let the opinions and discussion happen, read them all, see if anything sways you. If not that's fine, if it does that's fine too. You asked, hear the answers
She hardly even took it back, just expressed regret that the word became 'politicised' since she said it...?? No, it was disgustingly incorrect when you said it
"some rude things"
I always wait and check first. Like that show 1899, looked pretty damn great but I'm not watching something about anything mysterious that got cancelled
Saw that video and never found any info on if he recovered. My first reaction was holy shit that's going to hurt and be messy, but some comments were saying about the heat of the iron (it's not supposed to still be glowing bright red, it was WAY too hot), length of time, pressure, and proximity to vital organs means that he likely wouldn't survive it...
I know you are being technically accurate about gender identity, but we're not talking about you, and the example here is someone posting "look at that tranny". They are absolutely thinking about genitals.