Fit and fucking sexy babe!
I’ll forever be obsessed with Family Guy
I agree with that statement 100%
flawless, perfect EVERYTHING. I'm jealous. Well done! 😍
When women are in control of their pleasure, it's a win win for everyone involved. ;)
0%. People come to my gym to better themselves, not try to corrupt others into their world views. Getting swole > politics
I'd buy millions of people millions of epic exotic vacations.
I basically have a schedule of things I want to get done planned ahead of the weekend. I keep myself occupied and don't worry about the time left before Monday. I do the things I planned and I'm so focused on what I'm doing I don't worry about anything else.
What an incredible game to watch!!! Go Celtics!!
ty, gets easier when you become your own motivation :)
Only apps where I NEED to potentially respond to something. So texts, phone calls, alarm system, Snapchat (but only specific people/groups) and the pager app I use for volunteering at my local hospitals. Everything else, turned off.