Other Chinese app?
They seem to agree on more than not, Ford doesn't even poopoo on him much anymore. The first time I noticed it was during covid, non partisan behavior and good relations. It's not really a bad thing, I honestly wish politics would be more civil.
P. Diddy and Luigi the people shooter.
Seen lots of posts but figured this is recent from a reporter?
It's fun, and feels unique. Not another overwatch clone.
Homs has already fallen, I know the fog of war is thick and moving insanely fast bur there already in Damascus.
Given perceived power, the law and moral standards of decency will be there whether they know it or not.
If you can read the sign it's already to late..
I think modern interpretation of spirits is very movie and novel based. Every culture has a interpretation of ghosts and even person to person has interpretation of ghosts. I frankly have no belief in ghosts and any ghost can be explained away by squirrels or mice running around. My best freinds mom insists there's a spirit in her home and even conversates with it.
I think it expresses the point in a straight forward and easy to explain manner. While providing examples to reflect on. I'm not saying it's going to fix the world but maybe give a handful of people something to reflect on.
God speed, Green Ranger.
Old Dutch is the best. I grew up on the rippled sour cream and onion. I never got the lays appeal..