Sir you are in a meme sub reddit. The Taliban is an illegitimate government in Afghanistan that has used acts of violence for political means. The very definition of Terorism. I did not talk about Isis and not the point regaurdless.
Literally attacked for protesting, the use of violence for political means by a illegitimate government...
Oh I know about the layout:C but i loved the picture...
It's Pokemons mascot, the chosen one everyone's supposed to love. Like big Nintendo is telling you to like the mouse!!! I mean I figured the joke would flow better. But frankly I don't care for Pikachu unless it's original chubby Pikachu.
We who love Video games Sir! 'drops monacle'
They find you at your lowest low and at your most vulnerable....
Donald Trump right now
As a Canadian it's so damn weird to me having to register to vote. Me registering to vote is having any form of ID with my address on it.. Like you'll give me a drivers license shouldn't that be enough proof?