
joined 2 years ago

The problem lies with users who default to they/them even after being informed of the correct pronouns, especially users who continue to do so in the same comment thread. Making mistakes is going to happen, but quickly apologizing (even if you're arguing) and editing your message to resolve the mistake is the bare minimum. Even as a mod I really only recognize a few users and remember their pronouns (honestly, mostly because they overuse the reporting system), but when I engage with or talk about users I check profiles to see if any pronouns are posted in the bio. This is a trans-inclusive queer instance, respecting gender identity (YES EVEN CIS-HETERO PEOPLE) is incredibly important.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (4 children)

1st, Ada is the instance mod, we have no control over who she decides to ban.

2nd, let's look at your comment. "I think some post modern schools of thought have a danger of getting high on their own farts, and sometimes it’s important to push back so we don’t lose grip on reality."

Defend this. Be more specific. Communication requires a mix of efficiency and effectiveness. Your extremely broad statements allowed the instance mod to "misinterpret" your argument due to it's lack of effectiveness. A lack of specifics forces the reader to interpret your meaning. "Post-modern frameworks" or "post modern schools" can mean anything from critical race theory to anti-Marx criticism.

Be nice. There's no need to insult.

People aren't required to teach you anything. Anyone educating during their free time is doing volunteer work.

If only good empirical books on trans research weren't burned by the nazis at the start of their regime and trans literature/research weren't being banned in the U.S. by the GOP...

  1. I have published work in academia so I know from experience. Empirical evidence CAN be extremely biased depending on who is doing the writing. There's a reason there's a million (exaggerated, obviously I hope) studies showing that games are both good and bad, studies showing red wine both causes and prevents cancer, studies showing that the Brontosaurus wasn't a real dinosaur but a misplacement of two different fossils, oh wait just kidding there was a new study that says it IS a real dinosaur. People are people, there's no perfect study. When studying humans and their behavior, we only have theory that is constantly being rewritten. We have something called cronbach's alpha that states that as long as data reaches 71% consistency or higher, it's a valid study. All to say, you can't always trust empirical evidence

  2. Science already supports the idea of different genders. A basic college biology course could tell you that. Forget "there's only two genders" the "two sexes" thing is also a myth. Humans have two different kinds of sex chromosomes, x and y. We can have I BELIEVE up to 3 at a time? XX is typically associated with FEMALE and XY is typically associated with MALE unless of course you have de la Chapelle syndrome and your XX chromosomes make you develop a penis instead of a vagina. This is just one example of being intersex. Up to 2% of the population is intersex, 4 times more than the number of cops in the U.S.

  3. Gender being a science doesn't mean boomers are open and willing to unpack their views of gender though. Unlearning things is painful, scientifically speaking. People HATE unlearning things. There's lots of studies on cogitative dissonance, if you want to go read your empirical references.

Same could be argued with n-slur and f-slur. Those were not terms chosen by those groups. Both were created by the socio-economic dominating class in an attempt to dehumanize. That's the whole point of the word "reclaiming" that I used. Takes the power back. There's a user above (kitten for the sake of reference) who is Autistic and uses the R-Slur. I'm autistic as well but I don't use it. For kitten, I'm sure there is power in taking the word away from people to apply to themselves.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I can see the argument how there could have been an attempt to reclaim it, much like the n-slur, f-slur, or queer. Not sure if there was actually an attempt or not to reclaim, just to be clear.

[–] 21 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Good luck convincing the manosphere to drop it

[–] 15 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I'm autistic and gay but I also have a secret third thing that stopped me from figuring out linux. The "AD" in ADHD (there needs to be a better way to distinguish between having attention deficit, hyperactivity, or hybrid). I have tried like four times now to figure out linux and my brain just doesn't get the dopamine it needs from that activity and I just can't focus 🫠

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Wait, "blo" as is "blow" or "blue"? English is stupid language...we have no accents to show which form of a vowel we're using. I'm assuming "blow", as that makes the most contextual sense, but again, English is dumb.

No worries, I was just confused

[–] 36 points 3 months ago (3 children)

We don't remove posts for not including "rule" in the title, for anyone about to report this

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

What does that have to do with boycotting?

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