Sounds great, breaking up the monopoly. Of course, they products should have to meet our current regulations. If that isn't a part of this it could just lead to Leaky Homes 2: Electric Boogaloo
You know in other, arguably more civilized countries, it is the norm to stay home, or at the very least wear a mask, when sick even with a "little cold" right? The "fuck it they can go to school" attitude is not universal, and these other countries don't suffer from it.
Going to work sick or sending sick kids to school has always been stupid. It spreads disease, which kids take home and then infect parents, who go to work and spread it further. Having a cold greatly reduced learning and workplace efficiency.
Perhaps we should try something different, no?
Thanks for posting these mate!
I just love a government that ignores experts and simply does whatever it wants because "We KnOw BeSt". /s
Fuck Argentine ants. They bite too.
Awesome! Wish I could stay up and watch. Guess I'll catch it in the morning.
This government. Sigh.
I'm shocked. 😐
Oh I see what you meant now, I'm afraid that went right over my head at first.
As much as I despise what this govt is doing, I don't think the hyperbole of comparing them to a death cult is warranted or helpful.
I think their actions are perfectly explainable by them being selfish bigots who only care about hoovering up as much wealth as possible for themselves and their friends, while making sure anyone different doesn't take anything they might want.
This is actually very concerning. Both NZF and ACT are jumping on the press-bashing bandwagon. I really hope we, as a country, don't put up with this kind of bullshit.
I'm not saying he's a fascist, but I will say that pretty much every fascist regime has starting with similar retoric.
So because that might sometimes be infected, we should do nothing?
God I hate this mentality. "Keeping kids at home doesn't completely remove the risk of teachers getting sick, so lets not even bother".