Tired, yes. But if it's so bad it's unliveable (his words), why won't he let the media see? Has it really gotten so much worse in a couple of years?
Oh I have no doubt about that. And I've flatted in Dunedin, so I know what those old shitbox houses can be like. I think the point of all this is that it's dated and needs work, but isn't unlivable.
Of Luxon had come out and said "my bad, I didn't really think about it as it's one of the entitlements of the job, but now that it's been brought up you're right I don't need the allowance. Why am I not staying in the Premier House? I just find my own apartment more comfortable is all", I honestly reckon it would have been a 24h story.
It's a well studied phenomenon now: more lanes in the long run do not improve traffic, and might also make them worse. There is nothing to dispute about that.
And the graphic portrays the problem perfectly.
To me it sounds dated, like a 70s house or so. It was good enough for the last PM and her kid. I'm sure it's tired and a bit cold, but nothing worse than a lot of renters put up with.
Meh, google is so much more convenient. I just put up with the fact that they have all my data lpl
I agree with you, but at the same time...who has an isp linked email anymore?
This guy is such an entitled prick.
Feels before reals.
It was good enough for the last PM and her daughter. Surely Lex Luther can put up with some dated wallpaper and a bit of a draught?
The more I read about this, the more I think passenger trains are not really feasible in this country, due to population density etc.
So I agree with you: Lets more more freight on to trains, which are far more efficient in terms of ton/km for bulk freight. Combine that with coastal shipping and we don't need such large ferries (to carry trucks and train freight), and can instead get a passenger service that actually works.
But someone is wrong! On the internet! lol
I'm waiting for something to finish at work, this is about as productive as I can be right now.
I'm confused by the question. Are you asking what they should be doing?