
joined 2 years ago

Hang gliding into a party of monsters and ruining their day with my "1337 aer1al 4rch3ry 5k1llz"

Learn to redefine "clean". You're not living in a museum. Things don't need to be pristine and dust free.

I picked a day of the week, in my case Saturday, and chose one area of the house to concentrate on. Dishes, laundry, and any other "infinite work" chores can become overwhelming quickly if they're not kept up on, so there are frequently days where that's the only house work that gets done.

The unpopular truth here is that if you value cleanliness enough for this to bother you, you probably should have considered this well before your third kid. Just do yourself a favor and never, ever resent your kids for their messes. I hope you find a way that works for you and maximizes your relationships with your children!

[–] RavenFellBlade@startrek.website 27 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There are so many levels of wrong to this that it's hard to take it all in.

So the mom admits that she thinks they're all pedos, but keeps posting anyway? There are a few different levels of depravity to that one element.

It's not a popular take, but it seems pretty well established that pedophilia is a compulsive mental disorder. Nothing about that absolves them of their actions, but it gives us a base-line that they are all collectively sick in the literal sense.

"Mom", if one could deign to label her such, is admitting that she is slinging images of her underage child to what amount to compulsive addicts. She's exploiting her daughter's innocence for profit, while feeding into the self-destructive compulsion of others, while simultaneously judging her customers with disgust and contempt.

She's so much worse than a drug dealer. This is the worst kind of abuse and exploitation, and really makes you wonder just how much worse it really is behind closed doors for those "extras"?

The entire situation is just a circle-jerk of depravity.

[–] RavenFellBlade@startrek.website 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

In the trending political climate, maybe this is more appropriate:

  1. Do "gay".
  2. Be crime.
[–] RavenFellBlade@startrek.website 25 points 1 year ago (5 children)

It could definitely remove one of the most notorious and dangerous places kids get bullied.

Just because you want to be a peeping Tom and watch folks in the bathroom doesn't mean everyone else does.

[–] RavenFellBlade@startrek.website 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

And how well did that work with Adolph Hitler? History seems to suggest that jailing would-be Fascist dictators only delays the inevitable, and tends to work in their favor by galvanizing their followers over the "injustice" of their incarceration. For moral and ethical reasons, I truly wish that were the appropriate response. History says it isn't nearly as final as the solutions these maniacs devise for their scapegoats.

I hate that this is accurate, except maybe the "Video Game For The Tenth Time". I've figured it out by then.

Oh, look, it's the Cancerous Parasites Assaulting Civilization.

Hogwarts Legacy on Switch. I should have known better, but my local Walmart had it on sale for $29.99 a few weeks ago and I bought on impulse after reading a few posts about how it's gotten better after updates. I've had glitches galore. Mad pop-in, falling through geometry, crashes, and two save game corruptions, all in the most up-to-date version available. If this is better, I can't imagine how broken it was at launch. I feel like I got $5 of content out of this. If the glitches were at least amusing, I might be ok with it, but the save corruption is just unacceptable.

[–] RavenFellBlade@startrek.website 48 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So my child, who is not old enough for their own account, will now no longer be able to watch Disney+ while attending school at their residential academy 400 miles away. Just like Netflix. And just like Netflix, my subscription will be canceled the moment they try to block them from logging in.

So my child, who is not old enough for their own account, will now no longer be able to watch Disney+ while attending school at their residential academy 400 miles away. Just like Netflix. And just like Netflix, my subscription will be canceled the moment they try to block them from logging in.

We hear ourselves all the time, but we don't sound at all to ourselves the way we actually sound. We don't have a sort of internal picture of ourselves to create dissonance with our reflection or photographs in the same way we do with our voices. It's that dissonance that makes us distrust or dislike hearing ourselves as we actually sound because that isn't the voice we identify with internally.

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