It seems like a long game, with a lot of work (and a bit of luck) to get to somewhere of note (ie, an MP position).
Running as an independent is about as likely for success as Seymour’s school lunch program.
So you need to get yourself into a party. But you can’t just rock up to your party of choices offices and have them put your name next to their logo in the next election.
And if you do slog through however many years of volunteering and lower level staff jobs, there’s still no guarantee you’ll even get a shot at a candidate opportunity.
And if you do get a shot, you’re at the whim of the party, at least until you’ve made a name for yourself.
Hard to say. NZ cuisine is like British cuisine, but it got stuck in the 80s.
The Flat White. But that’s not strictly food.
Or maybe a potato top pie.