Lmao, fucking bootling simps.
I'll have to give that a look. Thanks.
Its always worked fine for me on iOS, GrapheneOS, macOS, and Windows. For some reason tho, Mint is the only place I've had trouble with it. 🤷
Saw that the other day. We're cooked.
Damn autocorrect, leaving it because its too funny.
Lmao, whoops. Damn autocorrect. 😂 Leaving it.
Cool, Zimbabwe is officially more based than America.
Lmao, the Ebola Gay was literally named after the pilots mother. 😂 Dumb fucking cunts.
Lmao, sounds about right. YouTube is cancer, but unfortunately they have a monopoly.
I use Proton for email. Don't love the CEOs opinions, so not really interesting in expanding their services. Sticking with the email for now, but we'll see what the future holds.
How do I find that? I'm brand new to Linux, just started using Mint a couple weeks ago.
I have that set to automatic on my Grapheme device. Presumably my other devices too, but I don't have access to those atm.