
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

What’s Sony got to do with this? It’s entirely developed and published by Square.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

This looks gorgeous but the more the trailer went in the more I felt it was all very scripted and I’m struggling to get a sense of how it will actually play.

Regardless I’m surprised it was shown given the continued stories coming out about how it’s not in a good state even after years of development and crystal dynamics being brought in to help. Hopefully a sign it’s getting there but the cynic in me feels this was ordered to quell the rumours.

[–] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Played about 3 hours yesterday and after a frustrating entry period it started to click and had a good time. It’s a weird mix of battlefield & Apex wrapped in a gaudy game show. It’s solid enough at its core but different enough it stands out.

Im not sure if I’ll stick with it but it has potential. Time will tell if there’s more fundamental issues with it but given its free id say try it.

[–] 5 points 10 months ago

The recent trailer showed there will be modifiers applied ( looked like a flaming melee mod from the very brief clip). I think this mode will be great as TLOU2 has some genuinely good gameplay that often gets overlooked due to the heavy story focus and general controversy it had at launch.

[–] 9 points 10 months ago (5 children)

Yeah, we’ve not had a generation run short for 20 years. Even then most last 6 years historically and I think people’s perception is skewed because Microsoft rushed out the 360 quicker than normal.

What would new consoles even be at this stage? They’re still fast, can do 4k, some ray tracing etc. and yeah they compromise on things but you need to spend more on a graphics card alone to get more on PC. The cost vs benefit isn’t there yet not to mention (anecdotally) the “general public” talk about current consoles as if they’re new, so I don’t think there’s an apatite or need.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

I tend to think about Infinite this time of year and jump back in for a few weeks but holy shit! Let’s fucking go with firefight! I love this mode and if this is a good version it might get me to stick longer this time around.

[–] 35 points 10 months ago (3 children)

What a load of crap, only a few minutes in and it’s all “games are getting worse…” when we’re in one of the strongest years for releases in ages. We’re in a year where TotK is likely to miss out of GOTA awards, that’s how good it’s been.

Games aren’t the issue here, it’s folk like the videos creator who are.

[–] 14 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Not sure I get what a PS5 version would bring without some pretty serious tech upgrades such as Ray Tracing. There’s already a ps5 patch that enables 60 fps which is normally my personal “requirement” for new versions on cross gen games so unless this is a major uplift then I’ll pass.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

You’re not wrong about her look but she’s 34 and Abbys like what? 21 at most. She looks the part but in context next to Bella Ramsey it would look odd.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

I very much do move on when Im done with a game, rather than when it’s done. I mentioned that I moved on from AC Valhalla only 25 hours in, and a more recent example is when I stepped away from Armoured Core 6 after only about 5-6 hours realising it wasn’t really for me.

The problem with length is when length is the reason I stop playing. I can love a game at first and think it’s great 4 hours in. That love can turn to like if the formula is getting a little stale or the plots not going anywhere. If this continues then my like might turn to just “consuming “ to get it done, and if I’m still plugging away for long enough in this state it’s easy enough for things to slip into a negative view of the game because it’s asking more of me than it’s giving back.

Take Final Fantasy XVI this year. It took me 44 hours to finish, but imo it peaked around the close of act 2 (a certain boss fight that went hard about 30 hours in). By then the gameplay formula was established and it’s largely the plot carrying it but (imo) neither ever really got any better in act 3 but I still had another 14 hours to go. I was invested enough to keep going but I went from loving it to just liking it as a whole because it never escalated and 14 hours of treading water is a bloody big investment. This was main-lining the game too, I gave up on side quests early on, so we’re not talking about completing a game just getting through them.

It comes back to games justifying their lengths. This is going to mean different things to different people, as well as the games themselves doing different things so there’s no one size fits all.

[–] 8 points 11 months ago (3 children)

For me, it’s not so much a question of length but whether a game should last as long as it does. There’s got to be something that makes it worthy of its run time.

Case in point, I played about 24 hours of Assassins Creed Valhalla when it came out, only to sack it off when my friend informed me that he clocked about 100 hours in it to play through. Fuck that! That game would have been a decent 20 hour Viking romp but it’s got nothing to say, show me or keep me engaged at 5x that length. Hell even at 40 hours I’d have said it was inflated, but 100! It’s madness.

On the flip side, I played Elden Ring through to completion over 80 hours and would have played for 80 more had it asked. It was engaging, exciting, full of interesting locations, characters and things to fight. There’s tension in and intrigue in just exploring this unique setting and it all adds up to an experience that’s worthy of its runtime.

Similarly, one of the only JRPG’s I’ve finished in recent years is Persona 5 Royal, which took me a huge 109 hours to finish and yet I loved it. It’s full of style, flair and a sense of fun often missing from this genre that it just got me hooked. It’s not even that the story is all that great but the characters are well realised and there’s a wonderful dynamic in the core cast that really got me to go along for the full journey. I also think P5R also did the one thing many games fail at and it’s pacing, the thing just goes and despite facts like the tutorial is about 8 hours long I never felt like I was just killing time.

My point is, my feelings these days are that most games aren’t worthy of being over 10-20 hours, and even less so of being 20+. It’s not a one size fits all answer and individual mileage might vary person to person but there has to be a hook (gameplay, game feel, story, characters, setting, playing with engaged friends , etc.) to warrant time invested beyond a point.

[–] 10 points 11 months ago

The weakest CoD in years (ever?), in a year or nothing but gold releases across every platform and it still causes waves and records. No wonder this DLC was pumped up into a full game and pushed out half arsed, why try when you win without effort.

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