
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

That’s actually really smart. Gotta remember that for when/if the condom ever breaks. Thanks!


I was just talking about this with a friend since people around us seem to be dropping like flies. What happens to our personal servers and home labs when the worst happens?

I personally don’t care who sees what; compared to most I’m sure I’m vanilla af. 🤣 Enjoy my 20 year music collection, alive people? 😜

But it got me thinking: It would be great to have a self-hosted front end or something where on a login in screen (maybe at auth level like with Authelia), you had an “emergency” option where in we could predetermine what to immediately nuke, and what to either move to a shared cloud folder, offload to a local external drive, or just make available like local file hosting; something like that.

Does anything exist like this? If not, what ideas do you folks have in this regard, or what do you currently do? I feel like this could be a really useful service if done correctly.


I know music can be a bit of a pain in the ass, but even if we had something that helped get it into Lidarr, and utilize the power of things like Prowlarr to allow us to do manual grabs, I think that would be extremely cool. ...I took an Intro to BASIC class in high school...maybe I'll take a stab at it... 😜

Seriously, if any of you geniuses who make all this cool stuff are reading, this is the one thing that really seems to be lacking in the community. I'd be worthless to help code it, but I'd be willing to help with UX or something.