
joined 1 year ago
[–] 16 points 1 year ago

It's been common parlance at least since Apple wanted to implement CSAM scanning of all iCloud saved images through a hashing technique. The backlash was so strong Apple now opposes CSAM scanning. This was two years ago-ish.

[–] 18 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Like an episode of Alone, but without the planning, support and logistics.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Porque no los dos?

[–] 33 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

Why not save money on office space by letting those employees to work from their home?

Because they can't control them at home.

He has three sets of charges coming total for now. "Honorable" Aileen Cannon is just one judge in his pocket for one set of charges. Other judges won't be bought or threatened into letting him slither away.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The fix was in on our climate by the 90's, the Co2 levels are above 450 ppm. This doesn't have an equivalent in many millions of years. The effects of heat building is cumulative, the earth still has plenty more room to store heat energy, and we've already put more than enough Co2 in the atmosphere to warm well past 2C. We've got years left, not decades. Wait till food distribution systems break down, that's when it'll hit everyone that this is already a done deal. Things will begin to break down rapidly in the next few years.


Everyone's favorite Gen X edgelord teenager finally gave our generation the visibility it deserves. We now have our very own branded shitty alt-right social media space.

[–] -2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah but it's not a fucking city dude, the comments are addressing the hyperbole in the comment.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

How do you clean your ears, bellybutton, toes? And hopefully in that order. Some stuff needs extra attention, and some people have different skin types than you. Go scrub out your toes.

[–] 35 points 1 year ago (14 children)

I remember watching a black comedian many years ago and his bit started "Why don't white people use washcloths?", and it got me thinking. I started using washcloths and noticed I came away cleaner, soap on a hand doesn't cut the skin oils and dirt like soap and gentle abrasion can. I also noticed, because I'm hairy, that I get lots of ingrown hairs, especially on my legs. Switched to one of those "poofs" and now I vigorously scrub my hairy bits and no ingrown hairs. Exfoliating helps.

Use a washcloth and don't forget to brush your tongue, you filthy animal.

Not drinking today or any other day. All of you can do this!

I almost lost everything, keeping in mind that even one drink puts me right back on a path to losing it all forever helps me, personally. Can't/won't do it.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It might help to understand that the GOP/Conservatives have no interest in being morally consistent. The only metric they have is our guys good, yours bad. Consistency doesn't matter, being a team player does, and the goal is unrestricted power. Once they have that they don't have to listen to anyone's criticisms. Stop trying to reason in response to them.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Oil production and distribution is an international operation, and oil markets are just that, Markets. Very few if any countries drill, produce, refine and consume their own petroleum sources. Most countries may have only one or a couple facilities that can extract or refine oil. All crude oil is assessed by its grade and given a value on the international market. Extractive economies (Russia for example) have to either refine and consume their own product which they can't use to put currency in their economy or they sell raw crude to, say, India for US Dollars. India will either refine it for it's own needs or sell it at market. Canada extracts it's oil from oil sands, sends it down to the gulf coast for refining and transshipment to other markets. This is classically a Capitalist supply and demand market, and oil producing countries use oil proceeds to buy foreign currency reserves, regardless of their political system. The entirety of it is Capitalist from beginning to end.

That you're even attempting to try and deflect the various excesses of Capitalism with specious reasoning like "Communist countries produce oil too so not Capitalism" is puerile and an argument in bad faith. You're trying to work back towards your hypothesis "Capitalism good" without doing the work of actually building the argument. Your ineffective points are useless and wholly unconvincing. You're just a shill without an intellectual understanding of what you are attempting to put across. Your ham-fisted defense of Capitalism is simple refutation, you haven't posited anything yourself, you're just attempting to refute what other's have responded to your bait question. Saying "nuh-uh" isn't a defense or a rationale.

I've wasted more time on this than I cared to.


Uhhh, sure about that figure? I mean, social media certainly doesn't rank high but I don't think a plausible majority would do without the internet entirely, and few would roll back every benefit they receive from it.


I recently went through a very debilitating and painful episode of infidelity in my marriage, separation and divorce were duly considered. It appeared that not only was I losing the love of my life but my family unit was about to be torn apart. My daughter would end up sharing my experience of a broken family, parents fighting, and upheaval in her school, home and family life. Everyone was going to get hurt, nobody in the family would come out alright from a divorce. As much as it was an option, it was a nuclear one, and a step I wasn't going to take without carefully considering the ramifications for everyone involved, especially the blameless daughter. What followed was a lot of very painful soul-searching, numerous argumentative discussions, tearful confessions and professional therapy. Along the way I kept looking for groups or voices that had experienced infidelity in their relationships but still managed to keep their relationships together or were attempting to. Online communities weren’t very helpful, r/relationship_advice is replete with examples of people being cheated on, followed with comments like “Kick that cheater to the curb”, “Once a cheater always a cheater” and “Leave with your dignity intact” or similar sentiments. COSA, a 12 step program for victims of sex addicts, supports the victims but has a subgroup to enable those seeking divorce and not one for keeping marriages together. Searching around it is very difficult to hear from people that successfully navigate an infidelity event and retain their relationships. It’s very disheartening and traumatic, especially when one is looking for signs of hope, to see very little of people's relationships surviving an episode like this. It became increasingly clear that this didn’t happen in a vacuum, my wife and I had grown apart over years, and my deep dive into depression, family problems and alcoholism didn’t help. She leaned on poor coping mechanisms and emotional problems from her past to assuage her loneliness and inform her of next steps, and those steps included me only in relation to me being her daughter’s father. She has real problems, but they are manageable from a therapy perspective. I quit alcohol entirely which helped with the depression I was experiencing. She went no-contact with her “boyfriend” and went into Sex Addict (really, Love Addict) 12 step, where she remains today and is doing well. What became even clearer over time is that we hit our respective “rock bottoms” simultaneously and that our mal-adaptive behaviors had pushed our relationship to the brink. Everything needed to change. We started with a "policy" of complete honesty. She told me of all she had done, ugly painful details and all, and her ongoing challenges. I stopped burying my emotions in drink and became much more emotionally vulnerable. We cuddled daily, taking time to reconnect. There have been lots of tears, angry moments, heart-wrenching details, and feelings that this may not work. Everyone is in therapy, including couple’s counseling. The couple’s counseling isn't very comprehensive, but we use the opportunity as a moderated safe space to speak freely. We take walks together, take time to talk, we resolved to be more responsive to each other and share in each other’s lives rather than exist like roommate co-parents of a child. We committed to bringing back this marriage, the alternative was disastrous. Several months after beginning this reconciliation process we are stronger than we’ve been in years, maybe ever. It has been without a doubt one of the toughest experiences I’ve ever been through. Is it worth it? Sometimes during the process I’d ask myself that. For me the alternative was literally the end, the momentary emotional pain I was experiencing was nothing in relation to the future-ending path of divorce, losing my house, daughter, wife and everything I cared about in this world. Months later, it is/was worth it. We’ll stay together, we’re better than we were, the pain will ease with time. I understand quite well the deep hurt, humiliation and betrayal experienced by the wounded party in an adulterous relationship. Certainly, some cheaters are selfish narcissists that have no concern for anyone other than themselves. Some people are naturally deceptive and can’t be trusted. Some people are garbage humans and we find ourselves in relationships with them. These are very solid reasons for leaving someone that has slept around or had an emotional affair within a committed relationship. Value yourself and your sanity and well-being. Don’t be a doormat and let someone use and abuse you, never. BUT, if you love your partner, can see shades of why it has come to this, and you wish to repair your relationship and save your family then there are ways through this. Along the way you’ll feel the pressure of society and your peers telling you that this will never work out, and it will hurt but keep going if it seems to be working. I’m not saying that cheaters are people with problems too, and that any infidelity can be redeemed, I think the opposite. It seems to me that most relationships will fail, that most cheaters are probably irredeemable within that relationship. Sometimes trust is too far gone to be recovered, I came very close to this conclusion as well. Mutual respect and love are strong components to reconciliation, and a relationship that was founded on love and strength can find it again, but only with resolve, help and understanding. I’m very lucky, if it’s your wish to stay together than I wish you luck as well.


The Ballpark app requires a ton of personal information, way more than I expected. To wit: Full name, Email address, Password, Street address, Telephone number(s), Birth date, Payment data, IP addresses, Location data, Contacts (as stored in your wireless device), Demographic data, Device data, Usage data, Voice recordings, Audiovisual recordings, Information about your interests and preferences, Data specifically requested in relation to an activity or an event (e.g., emergency contact information), Data provided by Other Companies if you choose to connect your use of our services through the Other Company’s service, Personal information of a child if and only if a parent or guardian provides the child’s personal information; and

  • Sensitive personal information*.

This is all required in order to go to a game, all tickets are distributed through the app. There are workarounds, I said I don't have a smartphone, and they allowed it using an account. It's tedious. Perhaps this is an indication of what our future looks like, it becomes increasingly difficult to navigate modern life without giving up all your data to prying apps, corporations and data brokers. This is just to go to a game, there's no opportunity to print out tickets, show a generated QR code, bar code, nothing. You must have the app to attend a game.

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