
joined 2 years ago

Trump wants to put homeless people in camps and Republicans want to remove civil rights protections for trans people, lgbtq+ people in general, and people of color in the work place. It's hard to pay rent or house payments without a job. They want to make as many people homeless as possible and then give them a choice between prisons and death camps. Since they will be legalizing the death penalty wherever they can the difference between the two will be negligible.

So in short yes. Between the ethnic cleansing of immigrants and deaths camps it's going to be full on fascism. People seem to think they can wait out fascism. It probably wouldn't hurt to mention that we won't be able to leverage the Democratic Party while we are digging our own mass graves.

On the bright side, there is still time to do something about it. I think throwing this link around between now and the election would be useful. It's an easier way to process 900 pages.

Since before the repeal of the fairness doctrine. Trump has turned it up to 11.

An election is an exercise in basic civic duty that should be a mechanical choice. It is not leverage. Leverage is building grassroots movements between elections. If we lose our democracy there will be no Democratic Party to leverage against. Republicans want a christo-fascist dictatorship and want to jail their political opponents.

If we keep our democracy it will be possible to vote for candidates to the left of Kamala. Without it we will have fascists running the country who will not give up power freely.

Here's a website for searching what Republicans want to do on your favorite issues:

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It's just mask off red fascism. Fascists want to kill everyone based on race and skull measurements. Tankies want to kill everyone based on ideology and thoughts. The above ml user is just flaunting a gleeful hatred of people which is unworthy of praise.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Kamala wants a ceasefire and Trump does not. These positions are not the same. With Kamala we have a chance to make things better. With Trump they will only get worse. The fact Israel is sabotaging efforts to achieve a ceasefire is not indicative that Kamala does not mean what she says. Wanting things to get better and wanting them to get worse are not the same.

Kamala chose Tim Walz over Josh Shapiro, a Zionist. Kamala met with leaders of the Uncommitted Movement. So Kamala has shown she is going to be different than Biden.

Kamala is getting rid of Blinken. They phrased it as Blinken wouldn't stay even if she asked, but she's not asking. It's safe to assume that there will be a change in US foreign policy for the better where the US will be less lenient to Israel. Again, considering how the US position on Israel has not changed in 70 years this is a substantial improvement. Democrats got rid of Biden and put Kamala in his place on the ticket. It is possible to move the needle further, but we need our democracy in order to do that. Under a christo-fascist dictatorship US foreign policy can only get worse.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The people online are real people. They have a wide range of beliefs. And again, it's not just people of one political position who are accelerationists. Communication online is no less real than if it was had in person. It's no less effective than any other form of communication. If people can be convinced by someone talking to them in person they can be convinced by reading text on an electronic device. The medium of communication does not legitimize or delegitimize any idea. The fascists use every medium of communication at their disposal because they know this. We should do so as well.

I do live in the real world. So I refuse to call it early. I have had experiences on Lemmy that contradict your argument. I personally know your argument's position to be false. I'm happy to talk to people in person when I get the chance, but I'm going to do what I can online while there is still time. Refuting accelerationist arguments is the least I can do. It's effective and more people should do it.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

I sincerely hope you’re not wasting your time and energy.

We've got 26 days left to advert a christo-fascist dictatorship. The consequences of failure will impact us all no matter where we live. Please use this time effectively. Please use your energy effectively in arguments.

We’re going to have to agree to disagree here. Good luck man.

Fascism is around the corner. This is a bizarre statement to make in the face of that.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Anyone who is a realist is either lying to themselves or is still in bed. Idealism is what motivates us.

I used to think realism was the only way to effectively engage with reality. Now I see it as a failure to imagine. If we want to leave the status quo behind we have to be willing to spend our days chasing ideals. The way I want the world to be wont happen unless people, myself included, believe in it.

I have gotten through to people and I have seen other people do the same. Arguments can convince the people we argue with and the people who read the arguments to change their minds. Confronting people with logic and facts in the form of arguments is one of our most effective tools to change minds.

Our ages are irrelevant, but how heavily your argument is leaning on your age is starting to get silly. I'm 31. Please tell me you are older than 31.

You have the capacity to argue effectively. Please do so.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (4 children)

The Democrats are neoliberals. As neoliberals, they are both center-right and institutionalists, so they do stuff like police crack downs on protesters. This is not fascism on its own. Denying a speaking slot to the Uncommitted Movement was a strategic failure, but it is not fascism.

Biden is a Zionist, so on top of sticking to 70 years of US foreign policy of allying with Israel he has been actively complicit in genocide. Zionism is a form of fascism that attempts to manipulate Jews and Christians alike to build a Jewish ethnostate. Not everyone who is a self-described Zionist is inherently bought into the actual ideology. There are plenty of people who want a place for Jewish people to be safe. Zionism is not that, but there have been plenty of people who have been fooled into thinking it is. Biden is not a fascist, but he has given the fascists in Israel nearly everything they wanted. Thankfully Biden has so far refused Israel's request to attack Iran.

Also, thankfully Kamala is running for president, not Biden. Kamala is not a lifelong Zionist. Kamala has said she is willing to defend Israel, but being willing to defend a long standing ally is not the same as letting them do whatever they want. Under Kamala, the Democrats are going to do everything in their power to get a ceasefire deal to end the war and the genocide.

Trump is on record as saying Israel needs to finish what they started. Trump is going to let Israel complete its genocide of the Palestinians. He's going to allow the war to continue indefinitely so Benjamin Netanyahu can stay out of prison, deny Palestinian statehood, and form a greater Israel by conquering as much of the Middle East as possible.

The Republican Party has been taken over by the fascist MAGA movement, not the Democratic Party. Trump is the fascist, not Kamala. And Trump being elected would be worse for the Palestinians and the Middle East as a whole. So we should strategically vote for Kamala.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (7 children)

The GOP trolls the disenfranchised to the point where the line blurs and there becomes less and less difference between far lefties and republicans when it comes to voting.

Despite this, Biden won in 2020. There is every reason Kamala can do the same if enough people vote. We can spell out the difference to people no matter how much trolling there is.

They refuse to understand that not voting supports Trump and there is NO getting through to them.

In my experience on Lemmy, I have seen people reject accelerationism. People have come around to strategically voting for a Democratic Party candidate. People can change their minds.

It’s just that I’ve been around a while and I’ve seen that every election year- it’s the same shit.

Being apathetic is giving the Republicans exactly what they want. It is not a more accurate view of the world nor is it useful to us now on the edge of another fascist takeover attempt by Republicans.

I don't care how old you are. You're an active user who is perfectly capable of arguing effectively. We need people like you to keep trying. Refuting a central point is both more efficient and more effective. If you see an opportunity to refute accelerationist arguments, please take it.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (9 children)

There are people from across the political spectrum on Lemmy from anarchists to fascists and tankies. And everyone in between. Accelerationism is not limited to any political ideology. Everyone is susceptible to accelerationism because accelertionism is rooted in the idea that things have to get worse in order for them to get better. The opposite is true, things get better by making them better. But anyone can be tempted by the idea that they can make things better by watching them burn.

The only way we can build a better society is by putting out the fires. We have to alert people that there is no bottom. Things can always get worse. People will double down on bad ideas if they aren't shown a better way. So as long as there is still time and we have a way to communicate this, we should do so. We may not be able to convince the tankies and the fascists between now and the election, but we can outnumber them.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (11 children)

We need every single vote. There's no way to know how many people are on the tipping point of changing the outcome of this election. We have to act under the assumption that there are still minds that are close to being changed. As long as there is still time to advert fascism we need to be hitting the gas pedal of our most effective strategies.

Social media is an opportunity to communicate with people on a scale unprecedented in human history. On sites like Lemmy, users can argue in writing, at length, with each other from across the planet, in theory without delay. We can talk to people over the internet. On the off chance that talking to people has any capacity to change peoples' minds whatsoever, then we should make full use of that.

Since we have social media platforms, refuting the arguments of accelerationists is the best way to take the wind out of their movement. In general, people want to act in their own self-interest. If we make the choice as clear as possible, then people will want to strategically vote for Kamala.

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