
joined 2 years ago

The US has more political parties. What we need is a voting system where third parties are not spoiler candidates.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (4 children)

The US' two party system is a result of our first-past-the-post voting system. We need to change the system first or else all leftist third parties will act as spoilers for the Democrats.

[–] 12 points 2 months ago

Grandpa wants to arrest everyone again! blobcat, googly, jailed

[–] 63 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yes, and now they are proudly declaring they aren't going to put down the shovel. They want to keep digging this hole we're in.

There is no bottom by the way, they will just keep digging until enough people learn the lessons. If we wait to see how bad it can get it will only get worse.

[–] 23 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Also, a great out of context quote that somehow works better out of context at showing how bad these ideas are.

“You’d think the Democrats would do better. I look at it from that perspective and so are we in as deep trouble as we were in 1984, 1988? Probably not. But there are trends like what’s happening among working-class voters of all colours and ethnic groups that are concerning. If they aren’t arrested, they could lead us into the wilderness again.”

[–] 22 points 2 months ago (29 children)

The Democratic strategists predictably have both learned nothing from this losing this election and are planning on shifting the party to the right. Accelerationism is useless. There was no leverage over the Democrats, instead they are going to chase after moderates and conservatives who voted. If we are lucky enough to have another election, please vote and encourage other people to vote.

I looked look up the Musk quote. The full quote is not better.

Musk made this statement during an interview at All Thing D's D11 conference in May 2013. The exact spoken quote was, "If you think about the future of humanity, it's going to fundamentally bifurcate in two directions, all life as we know it. Either it's going to become multiplanetary, or it's going to be confined to one planet, until some eventual extinction event."

This is the one that's also awful but about the economy.

“We have to reduce spending to live within our means,” Musk said. “And, you know, that necessarily involves some temporary hardship, but it will ensure long-term prosperity.”

It's one thing to be the world's richest and soon very likely to be the most politically powerful grifter. It's another to publicly craft a narrative that he will steal everyone's money and then leave them for dead.

[–] -1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Your argument in the previous post was establishing a false equivalence. An attempt to show a pattern between two dissimilar things. That was the bailey.

With this post you have retreated to the motte, hyperfocusing on another group of arguments to distract from the arguments that refuted your central point.

Because if not you are literally the “so you hate waffles” guy in the post

By obfuscating your position, by pretending you were misunderstood, you were hoping to be unchallenged in a hypothetically more defensible position so you could claim victory.

You conveniently ignore this in order to get some seratonin from writing me paragraphs about “exposing truth”??!!, and that’s super sad. 😔 You could be having fun interesting discussions along the same lines if you hadn’t made it weird. Sorry, man.

As my argument has exposed this deception your argument is now relying on ad hominen attacks. Your playbook lacks the means to interact meaningfully with an argument that engages and refutes both your argument's desired bailey, attacking the word neurotypical because it exposes privilege, and what turned out to be a not so defensible motte, misleading accusations of assumptions and new usages of the word nuance.

Group B identified your argument's desire to undermine the validation people feel from using the word neurodivergent. Your argument's goal was to get people to stop using the word neurodivergent. Your argument's motivation for this is to undermine a mechanism that exposes the privilege that neurotypical people enjoy,

and that’s super embarrassing for you. XD

Your declaration of victory has defeated you.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Your argument disregarded the arguments that refuted your central point, group A, in a very cheerful manner and instead hyperfocused on arguments that were easier to disparage, group B.

My arguments focused on group A because that it is what should have been the end to a good faith discussion. Your insistence on going after group B, a more defensible position, is an attempt to continue this discussion under a veneer of good faith.

Multiple arguments have established your argument's position to be false. If you want to continue to have these discussions in good faith I highly recommend you engage with the implications of your argument and its position being incorrect.

please, im begging. i don’t want to be an ass and block you but if you come into a separate thread of mine to give your reading on dozens and dozens of comments, read all of them? :(

I read the other post and did not engage because I saw it had reached the limits of a good faith discussion. I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now I see a new post that attempts to continue that discussion without addressing the lessons learned or misconceptions exposed.

You're not begging you're threatening. I will not comply in advance. I will tell the truth and expose the truth. And, thankfully I am not the only person who will do so.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

In the context of this self-referencing observation, I would say, I see lots of waffles pretending to be pancakes.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (5 children)

The short answer is that the trend you are describing does not apply to the word neurodivergent because neurodivergent is not a medical term.

Neurodivergent is a nonmedical term that describes people whose brains develop or work differently for some reason. This means the person has different strengths and struggles from people whose brains develop or work more typically. While some people who are neurodivergent have medical conditions, it also happens to people where a medical condition or diagnosis hasn’t been identified.

Your argument was a false equivalency that the r-slur and neurodivergent share the same origin and thus will share the same fate. The implication of such a line reasoning is that since all of these ableist words became known as insults we shouldn't be concerned about the usage of any of them. In other words, legitimizing the r-slur and other ableist language because eventually neurodivergent will be as bad.

People in that thread explained how neurodivergent is fundamentally different. Neurodivergent is a nonmedical word people are choosing to describe themselves as that validates them as a opposed to a medical word that was chosen for them that pathologizes them. Your argument then attempted to dismiss this by saying all of these words have different origins. When in fact they have two, medical and nonmedical.

The euphemism treadmill argument presented by your meme attempts to ignore that distinction to make all the words seem equivalent. When in fact the words used before neurodivergent were always ableist because they were always hurtful even if that wasn't initially recognized as such by neurotypical people using them.

Like trans and cis, neurodivergent and neurotypical acknowledge a difference without being opinionated about which side of that difference is normal or abnormal. These terms are opinionated about which side has privilege and which side does not. These kind of terms receive backlash from the people who find themselves in the privileged cis and neurotypical categories because they realize these labels exposes the power that comes from the privilege of being the default.

Rather than engaging in a good faith discussion about this privilege, those fearful that they will lose this privilege engage in bad faith discussions intended to undermine the mechanism that exposed that privilege. These discussions tend to involve fallacies and usage of words like nuance and objective to obscure what is really happening.

The problem for the people acting in bad faith now is, we've all done this song and dance multiple times now. We know what to look for. We will call it out. We get to keep telling the truth and using words that expose the truth.

[–] 8 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I see more Motte-and-bailey fallacy.

I see less "I like pancakes" and more "I think pancakes are superior to waffles" from the first commenter.

Then the second commenter responds, "So you hate waffles?"

Then the first commenter retreats to "No, I just like pancakes. Why are you assuming what I'm saying? Don't you understand I'm being nuanced?"

Also, nuance is one of the more recent words to have a new usage like literally, which can now mean figuratively. When people say their argument is nuanced they mean it is good or correct. It reminds me of the use objective to describe a person to pretend they don't have biases to incorrectly validate their arguments.

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