
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Its a probing question to find out where the moral line is. It is a ridiculous proposal for sure, but it is basically the same ask as forcing a woman to carry out an unwanted pregnancy.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Looks like your real enemy are all these strawmen that you keep building your arguments around.

You dismiss my views on bodily autonomy by saying that we who support that stance also support mandatory vaccines when you are the only one advocating for that here. BTW, I don't support mandatory vaccines, but I do support getting vaccines and think by supporting better education among the general population, vaccine rates would stay in the range for heard immunity to kick in for those that can't or just don't want them for whatever reason.

In my view supporting abortion ban is the extreme position here. One that has caused a lot of very real hurt and pain. Way more pain than someone making comments that unborn babies are parasites. I'm sorry that made you uncomfortable, but swinging your support behind the crowd that has caused women to suffer in response seems like a weird reaction to me.

And when I bring up putting your support behind less extreme policies that would actually do more to address the reasons women seek abortions you go off on me about fighting political extremes? What a fucking laugh.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (3 children)

You didn't "go one further" than me, it sounds like we both are advocating for free and easy access to contraception. Either way I'm glad you support that at least.

You say that most pro life people aren't extremists, but the ones that write the abortion ban laws seem to lean into the extremes, so by supporting them you are supporting those extreme positions. And even when the laws still have exceptions, those with means can go get an abortion elsewhere for whatever reason they want. So the laws primarily effect those who probably didn't have the means to get other types of birth control as well. And in some cases people who actually want to have babies but need to suffer because these laws can prevent care because of government intervention between health care providers and patients.

You say yourself that there are other methods of reducing abortion, so why advocate for the one that seems less effective and promotes cruelty?

[–] 7 points 8 months ago (7 children)

So do you support abortion in cases of rape where the woman didn't choose to have sex?

Not that it matters of course. As we see the reality of anti abortion laws generally push for few or no exceptions, so rape victims have to continue enduring trauma for something they have now control in.

If you asked me how to really reduce abortions, then I would suggest comprehensive sex education, along with free and easy access to contraception to everyone, as well fostering environments that respect consent so women can feel safe saying no. Again, after all of that I'd still draw my line that gives women over the rights to their bodies. But to support outlawing abortion before any of those things just seems like supporting cruelty in the face of more effective options.

[–] 13 points 8 months ago (9 children)

But it is about bodily autonomy. You are advocating to force people to use their bodies against their will. And most people who support these policies don't ever have to worry about it happening to them.

You are right that the real world needs exceptions or compromises. I'll just never understand that why we need to compromise on the rights of the "unborn" vs enacting policies that would do a lot of good for those that are living and suffering instead that doesn't force people into losing choices over their own bodies.

[–] 7 points 8 months ago (19 children)

Question for you. When there are shortages on organ donor lists that will cause people to die, should the government be able to compel heathy individuals to donate organs they don't need? What about for blood shortages?

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

I have a Lucky Line 71101 keyring that I got 5+ years ago. It flexes to unlock, which makes it very easy to add or remove things to it. Despite it being easy to unlock, it has never come undone without me intentionally doing so. And it still looks and acts the way it did when it was new.

[–] 13 points 8 months ago

I want to propose a law that forces anyone who doesn't support body autonomy for women to be compelled to give their blood and extra organs to anyone that might need them to live.

All life is sacred, right?

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

I think there will always be ways to make anonymous calls regardless of regulations, especially since telephone systems are on the internet, so are vulnerable to hacking and exploits. But if police can be held responsible for the death and injury they cause, then maybe they will stop going in guns blazing and remove the incentive for swatting in the first place.

[–] 72 points 9 months ago (6 children)

Its crazy to me that people think its the telephone companies that need more regulations here and not the police. SWAT teams shouldn't be going in guns blazing on anonymous calls and any injury or death should be solely their responsibility. By all means try to prosecute the people calling in the first case for misuse of emergency services, if you can identify them, but we all know who pulled the fucking trigger. Police can't both get to decide that they get to selectively enforce the law and then take no responsibility when the injure or kill innocent people.

[–] 5 points 9 months ago

You keep your files safe by having backups. Multiple copies. Set up the backups to gets copied to another server or other system your regular user doesn't have access to. Ideally, you follow the 3-2-1 backup standard if the files are important. That is 3 copies, on 2 different media, and 1 offsite. There are many ways of accomplishing that and its up to you to figure out what works best.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

You can create a generic thermostat with a switch and temperature sensor. I do this for my 3D printer enclosure when I needed to keep it warm in my basement with a smart switch and a cheap plug in heater.

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