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[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There is a book, the people's republic of Walmart.

Basically every company with sufficient money does exactly this and they are very effective at it. Just what if instead of using the tech to make Walmart slightly more money we used it to make some public goods cheap and effective

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Except we know that mostly doesn't work. It is weird to me that your preference is to waste resources and not help people.

It is a combination of antivaxx and general pro business types. If covid isn't real you don't need to stay home. You can go back to work and make your boss some money.

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 8 points 1 year ago

They should pay 100% tax on all rentals.

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Cybernetics. The needs of people are essentially known and predictable. We can just make them and give them to people. That is also kinda how most of human history worked and it was fine then. It could be fine now, even better with computer data analysis and rational processing.

Sure there will be exceptions like little Japanese computer parts. However some democratic process could be used. Plenty of writers and scifi stories have possible systems. We can figure that out when we get there.

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Well no. In the example of buying a small computer part they probably see little value in the transaction. Between parts, overhead, shipping, materials. Ths majority of the economic signal there is lost to inefficient rent seeking, bloat, corrupt middlemen, and management costs. Who in this situation are we concerned about? The people who designed it? The people that assembled it? The people that mined the materials? The people that handled shipping? The market abstracts all this so people.habe a very hard time feeling the relationships between each other. Then rent seeking behavior overshadows all that and makes market forces effectively noise.

I do agree with the idea of evolutionary solutions. Consider the horse. Useful. When we abandoned the solution that evolved and created purpose built solutions we got way cooler and way more effective answers. Like, would you say the rocket ship was just an overcorrection to the inefficiency present in water buffalo based transport? No. It was the application of science, logic and reason to create good answers to hard problems. Every time we try to make something cool we do so. It's rad. We should to do the economy what we have done every other technology

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

I know you want that. I want to eat cookies for breakfast. Some things just aren't good for you however. Ask any person drowning to death in their own lungs if they were happy they had the freedom to choose to smoke. Given a sober assessment of the situation they would have chosen other than their wants. The world would be better if cigarettes were banned. Their blood is on the hands of the people who gave them freedom they weren't responsible enough to handle. Science has proven we are not fully rational creatures. We have biases and we need to protect and take care of eachother as we can to prevent that from causing harm.

The psyop around covid was to keep people from masks and vaccines. The million plus dead prove that was very successful.

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Yeah, you could make something work. I could make my car fly, it would just be easier to use a plane though.

Most of history worked just fine on other systems. Most of the time this system has worked terribly. The system we had was just the first one to encorporate the scientific method and rationality. It is a historical accident. We can do better.

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

They are not liberals. Here in America the anivaxx movement has kill tens of thousands to millions depending on how you do the math. In a better world stuff like that would have been censored. It only causes hardship and wastes resources. China does censor stuff like that. Now, does China have boomers that take that instinct too far? Probably. However they don't have school shooters ever single day. They have 3x the population of us and that doesn't happen there. So something is working there and something isn't working here. A full rejection of their system is silly given how well it seems to work for most of them most of the time. Especially since, in every single case we can observe our system failing us most of the time.

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)

Do you have any evidence of China suppressing criticism? We know the western media openly brags about making up stories about the east.

I can find plenty of stories of publishing houses declining to publish material. That is effectively censorship but because it is done by a company we don't care

Russia and Iran are more like the US than China so considering them as one unit is not helpful.

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (9 children)

That is where history disagrees. In the bargain of trade the people who need money to live can never make deals on an even playing field with those that don't. If trade determines your survival and we know it can't be done fairly than we have created conditions that can only snowball into misery.

I see no reason to belive the people running an apartide government that used weapons of mass destructions on civilians should be given any benefit of the doubt. There is no evidence they were kind or altruistic in any other endeavor. Why would it be different here?

I'd the cycle was work -> value. Than I would agree that is what socialism calls for. However the accumulation of capital makes it impossible for a worker to get fair and just value for their labor.

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago

Around here it is pretty common. Easily. Most of the people who actually ever worked to improve society have been labeled tankies so it is a badge of honor.

[–] UnicodeHamSic@hexbear.net 6 points 1 year ago (11 children)

What do we do with the economies once we controll them? We open the markets to our businesses and they raid the place. As our government is cpaitlaist all the decisions are based on making money. All those politicians that decide who to go to war with own stock in the companies that will profit. There is no difference between those drives.

Why did we not want rivals to gain power? Just vanity? No. The risk to future profits. When you look at wages and workers rights when the USSR fell the Capitalists had no competition. Wages were lowered everywhere as conditions would permit. After all, where else could people go,?

As to workers rights it is pretty simple. All that needs to be is that workers are given dignity. My boss can fire me and I might starve to death. If my survival wasn't based on pleasing the most greedy people then I could make better decisions about how to use my time. So, just more money and safety. As communists we have a very specific idea we have about how to acomplish that.

Depending on what sate you live in you could very easily be fired for being queer. Because your ability to survive us based on money anything that riskes that is effectively not permitted by capitalism.

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