I will take a look at him, I just got a bad impression from him going to Stop Bernie meetings during the 2020 primary.
That said he's well spoken and a good ally to have during these trying times.
I will take a look at him, I just got a bad impression from him going to Stop Bernie meetings during the 2020 primary.
That said he's well spoken and a good ally to have during these trying times.
When playing it safe is never safe....
That's a fantastic idea. I hope a future Democratic campaign uses a strategy like this.
The Democrats always take the high road or the decorum path every chance they get. It's one of the reasons why they loose the power struggle so much.
Democrats and playing chess by the rules and Republicans are moving the pieces wherever they want as long as they can get away with it.
The Democrats could have delayed ACB being put on the supreme Court untill election time but they actively decided not to do so.
Okay maybe. He's standing up to Trump. It just appeared to me he was like that meme during the 2020 primary.
What a hero. I hope other stand up to trump like him.
This could be an album cover for some feel good music.
Or maybe you can add some dark filters to it and use it for heavy metal.
A cat in the wheat 🌾 is always a treat.
He's sad and begging. Poor pup.
Love the lighting and the kitties pose.
This Pete Buttigieg in a nut shell. Let's hope people like AOC are the future instead of him.
Lol this is pretty clever, how he's hiding there