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[–] Westwolf@lemm.ee -5 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Expecting an obvious criminal to face some justice and maybe not be put in charge again… that’s reactionary?

Please learn to read before insulting people. I said the "only way the lib left could make the reactionary right reject Trump..." Obviously, I was calling right-wingers who support Trump reactionary. You call me a goon, but you're illiterate. So really, maybe you shouldn't be insulting people.

[–] Westwolf@lemm.ee -3 points 4 months ago

And where do your stats come from?

The Department of Labor.

Additionally, your statement ignores that someone has gone to a university graduation ceremony and made derogatory remarks to the female students who’ve worked hard to get to where they are.

That never happened. The media made that up and you swallowed it without actually using any critical thinking skills or reading his comments yourself. If he had made "derogatory comments" towards the women in that audience then he would not have received a standing ovation from those women. People don't give you a standing ovation for insulting them.

[–] Westwolf@lemm.ee -3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

The “media establishment” such as it can be recognized as singular, and with specific regard to political reporting, is conservative. Not liberal.

lol. Who told you that? The liberal media establishment? In a UCLA study of the 20 major media outlets, 18 scored left of center, with CBS’ Evening News, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal. Only Fox News’ Special Report and The Washington Times scored to the right of the average U.S. voter.

Sarcasm is the inevitable result of hearing right-wing talking points unendingly.

No, you're sarcastic because you're absolutely terrible at making arguments, you don't actually understand your position, and you're a self-righteous bigot who thinks you're so intellectually superior to anyone with a different worldview that you don't even have to bother to actually engage, you can just mock, deride and dismiss. You're an NPC. That is exactly how NPCs act.

[–] Westwolf@lemm.ee -3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I didn't have Chat.GPT write my arguments. I had it provide the conventional definition for the terms I was using because you, like all liberal/progressives in 2024, won't actually argue the point, You're just be pedantic and argue definitions. Or make other excuses. It's pointless trying to engage with liberal/progressives. None of you understand anything about your own positions, none of you can argue of defend your positions, all you people can do is make up excuses why you don't have to engage in real arguments while declaring yourselves "on the right side of history" and calling everyone who has a different opinion a stupid, thoughtless bigot.

Because that's what you are, a thoughtless bigot, incapable of making real arguments, because your entire worldview is founded on emotion and indoctrination.

[–] Westwolf@lemm.ee -4 points 4 months ago (3 children)

How very NPC of you.

[–] Westwolf@lemm.ee -5 points 4 months ago (6 children)

If you’re equating culture with movies and . . . Broadway?

"Culture is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses the beliefs, behaviors, values, customs, symbols, language, and artifacts that are shared by a group of people. It shapes their worldview, influences their social practices, and provides a framework for understanding their environment and interactions with others. Culture is both dynamic and adaptive, evolving over time as societies change and individuals contribute new ideas and practices. It is transmitted from generation to generation through socialization, education, and communication, and it plays a critical role in shaping individual and collective identities.

Cultural production refers to the processes and activities involved in creating, disseminating, and perpetuating cultural content such as art, literature, music, film, fashion, and other forms of expressive and symbolic materials. This encompasses not only the creative acts themselves but also the economic, social, and institutional frameworks that support and distribute these cultural products.

The cultural elite, on the other hand, consists of individuals and groups who hold significant influence and authority within the cultural sphere, often shaping trends, tastes, and norms. These elites typically include prominent artists, intellectuals, critics, curators, media moguls, and others who have the power to determine what cultural products gain prominence and how they are perceived by the broader public."

The above was written by Chat.GPT. Just in case you think I'm making up terms.

The cultural elite in America, who shape the mainstream culture, have very liberal/progressive values and use their position to push those values on Americans. This is then reinforced through the public education system, including state universities, which are also liberal institutions.

In a necessarily very non-threatening, centrist kind of way.

There is no "centrist" position in the culture war. The left has embraced queer theory as central to its cultural values, and queer theory is necessarily completely and totally opposed to the traditional Christian values that have been the bedrock of Western civilization for 1600 years. The one must necessarily destroy the other.

Liberal elite media establishment - thats some Russia Today language, man. Or Fox News. Same thing, I guess.

This is a non-argument, just an attempt at poisoning the well. "The establishment" refers to the dominant group or elite who hold power and influence in a society, typically maintaining the status quo and resisting significant changes. There's no point in denying that a liberal media establishment exists. Fox News would be part of the conservative media establishment -- hell, Fox News practically defines the conservative media establishment, with the Daily Wire and a network of podcasts defining conservative media counterculture. The liberal media counterculture would be things like The Young Turks, Hasan Piker, The Hill, etc.

[–] Westwolf@lemm.ee -1 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Sarcasm is a poor substitute for thinking. Taken literally, you appear to be agreeing with me. Your tone suggests otherwise. But what are you actually saying? That there is no such thing as the liberal media establishment? That would be absurd. MSNBC, The View, etc. all definitely exist. So then what can you possibly mean? And why obscure your point behind sarcasm?

Could it be because you don't actually have a point? I think it just might be.

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