Ya just gotta accept and move on.
Even when people seemingly gang up on you for no reason.
If ya fucked up, move on. If you didn't fuck up (even tho people try to say you did), stand up and stand by what you did.
Ya just gotta accept and move on.
Even when people seemingly gang up on you for no reason.
If ya fucked up, move on. If you didn't fuck up (even tho people try to say you did), stand up and stand by what you did.
Yeah, I have the same thoughts as you do on this.
I don't know. I'd def hate to be the only woman on that team though!
Our government cold use a good dismantling. So I'm all for it!
Hey friend! I didn't vote for Trump.
I voted socialist and I'm still a socialist.
You seem really mad. Y u mad, bro?
Thanks! :)
I agree!
I approach all bitcoin purchase with tme mindset of: "Is this blow money? Can I just throw this money away and be ok with it?"
That way if i lost it all, fine. If I profit, cool! It's literally just gambling in vegas to me. And I just got back from vegas, so I'm very familiar with the minset!
You could also just be a very consistent and oddly provocative human.
Oh, I like that term describing me. I may update my profile with that. Thank you! I'm not even being snarky, I honestly like that description of me.
I am very consistent and oddly provocative! I just told my gf that, and she agreed! lmao
But you have interacted with me before, so you know I'm human. So seems weird that you would suddenly go the "spambot" route.
Meh, I don't write the articles. They come from very public and very popular websites. So I guess not everyone thinks it's garbage. But you are totally free to think that.
But I don't think it counts as "spam" just because you think it's garbage.
Thanks, friend!
I'm not sure what they're thinking.
Well if no one uses them, then there shouldn't be any outrage about what Trump is doing, right? And there never should have been any thing about straws under Biden in the first place, right?