The only logic comparison would be then Nordic vs US if you Claim they aren't that good.
Also Quality of Life, Life Expectancy and other factors are still better in Western Europe, so I couldn't care less about the better profitability of US companies
You call it dumbing down, which I understand, but how do you stop all the click-happy people from installing the next nefarious “game”, when they already have little to no chance to avoid email spam and SMS scams, let alone LLM generated “custom targeted” exploits.
That's the neat Part, you don't
Their choice, their consequences. There are enough warnings on the way there, they are free people and were informed about the risks
As an aside, I’m a long term (25+ years) Linux user and have used pretty much everything since the 6502 was part of the picture. In my professional opinion we haven’t begun to figure out how to do this in the desktop world
App Distribution via Flatpaks and Immutable OS are already pretty much there. Did you try a recent Fedora Version?
They do apply to Apps only distributed Outside Play Store and certain Approved third Party stores, did you even read the article?
Can't be, Americans and Conservatives always tell me that a good social safety net makes people lazy
Of course you can Install Asahi Linux on a modern Mac, and you can Sideload Apps too. Both Things which are Not possible on iOS without Major Roadblocks
I can Install on a Mac without any Roadblocks another Operating System, and I can Install Apps without the need for a Developer Account or a certificate unrestricted.
Otherwise I'm using GNU/Linux which also doesn't try to "protect" me in the interest of some Corporation
Kebabs don't dominate our eating as much as Burgers do in the US
Somehow No One needs that much Holding Hand or "Security" on the Computer, where No revenue streams of Google/Apple are affected
Well His stupid comments and interference aren't against the law here
What did they do?