
joined 1 year ago

Hey! I'll admit I've slept a bit on the status of DRS estimates between the quarterly report numbers... thank your for taking up the mantle of providing this data!

Replace "teller" with "bank" because we are talking about legal ownership, not physical control.

They don’t have anything but a responsibility to care for it

While they absolutely "have a responsibility" to you, they also benefit from holding it, so your "anything but" rhetoric is incorrect. Brokers and banks alike earn money by lending the assets the have, despite their corresponding liabilities.

Do you think there isn’t a “clear record” without direct registration (from your other comment)

Correct. Legally, you have a "security entitlement". Per UCC 8-503, the property interest you have a result of this entitlement is merely "a pro rata property interest in all interests in that financial asset held by the securities intermediary", i.e. what your broker actually has, which is (a) opaque to you as a customer, and (b) is fundamentally difficult even for them to pin down - as it is composed primarily of their DTC account balance, ideally but they undoubtedly have many derivatives, transactions to settle (which can extend beyond 2 days because FTDs are common), shares lent out that are due to them, etc. So while the number of security entitlements in your account has a clear record, your property interest in the issuer does not have a clear record.

Maybe if you have a fever, and the only prescription is more DRS

(sorry, couldn't resist)

I've been going with Liquidate Wall Street personally

[–] apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 8 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Thanks Miller!

[–] apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

As if the implosion of untethered corruption weren't reward enough!

In more words: there are a spectrum of possible outcomes, but I do think there is a significant possibility that in attempting to deliver the underlying securities and thus closing out net short positions, the market price would go astronomically high, and that some of that could be paid for by liquidation of other institutional assets. I don't have enough confidence in capitalist financial institutions to assign high probability to "full" payouts at MOASS market prices, but even "merely" the destruction of exploitative wealth hoarding necessary for a partial payout would result in more financial equality and less financially-driven social dysfunction, which is motivation enough for me. (Also worth keeping in mind that the exposure is not limited to individual short parties, but also to all members of the relevant clearing/depository organizations, pursuant to the rules of those organizations and their own individual self interests.)

[–] apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 17 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Disclaimer: I have not watched "This is Financial Advice", so if I miss something that's covered there, my bad. Maybe I'll have time to watch it someday, but that day is not today.

Your skepticism is understandable. However, my expectations around future GME (the security) prices are not fundamentally about expectations around GameStop (the company). All GameStop needs to do is not go bankrupt (which they are doing quite well based on their cash on hand), and any future business success / profitability is just icing on the cake.

Rather than betting on some unimaginably successful 1,000x business transformation, I am betting against Wall Street. Fundamentally, valuation of securities works on the assumption that shares are fixed in quantity (or only created/destroyed by equity-preserving events by the issuer). With the ubiquitous rise of online brokerages, security entitlements, high speed trading, and a derivatives market that far eclipses the value of the underlying assets, that assumption is flawed and regularly abused by Wall Street to extract huge sums of wealth from investors and issuers. At the same time, Wall Street is laxly regulated and hugely greedy, and has no qualms about putting itself in risky situations for short term profit with the assumption that problems will be fixed down the road. Unfortunately for them, that situation has been threatened since the events of January 2021. Since then, all the evidence I've seen suggests that the financial institutions, many of them mutually liable for each others failures under the DTC or other organizations and settlement agreements, are regularly engaged in kicking the can down the road and perpetuating net short positions. However, since 2021 investors in GME have started removing their shares from Wall Street, meaning that eventually accountability will be required for naked short positions and then true price discovery can occur. Until then, price fluctuations only matter to help me understand how many more shares I can acquire.

Ah, my home state!

[–] apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 8 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Would users authenticate through lemmy? Any chance you could stand up a sandbox/staging canvas ahead of time to test that out? Or is it just a totally separate authentication?

[–] apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

And doesn’t challenge the person in the room

You keep repeating this as if that will make it true. But you literally linked to a video where he leads by clarifying that the crisis is real in response to Peterson's rhetoric.

And yet RFK doesn’t think the most important one is actually the most important.

You're just making this up to try to put words in his mouth. This is harmful for actually finding solutions. Again, he has described it as an "existential" problem. RFK Jr is trying to address concerns, because that's necessary when people have concerns, but you'd rather pretend other concerns don't exist as if that were a way to achieve anything.

heh, thanks for your confidence in my abilities! We'll see....

[–] apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The real crisis is the possible end of humanity due to climate change, caused by humanity.

Obviously. But you are aware that there can be multiple crises at once, and that some people may be more aware of / concerned about one than the other?


Migration note: This post originally appeared on Reddit/Superstonk in April of 2022.


Hey apes, time to RTFL: Read The Fucking Law. (That's the law they use to fuck us)

Can't read? No problem, I'll TACR it for you. Don't like my TACR? No problem, read it yourself. Can't read AND don't like my TACR? Find a lawyer and get them to read it for you.

First, disclaimers - I'm a big proponent of DRSing shares. I've been holding since Jan 2021, DRS'd in September, 99% DRS'd since October. I am not a lawyer, just reading (#blessed)

Let's start with where I started, the Queen herself:


Interesting enough on its own, I'd say. I like having rights and protections. But what is this "entitlement holder"?

The answer lies in the Uniform Commercial Code, in Article 8 on investment securities:


This part bears quoting in text - Entitlement holder: person having a security entitlement against the securities intermediary (broker).

So while an "entitlement" may at first sound like an absolute thing, in actuality, it is specifically "against" your broker. It just means your broker owes you a share.

Hmm, what does that remind me of?

Dumb and Dumber IOU

That's as good as shares, sir. That's a share IOU

Ok, so if an "entitlement holder" only has a "security entitlement" (share IOU from their broker), then how can someone know if they have a share IOU or a real share? What is a real share? Not an "entitlement" to a security, but the "security" itself?

Uhhh.... many word, such read, wut mean?

TACR: To be a security, something has to not fall under the exceptions in 8-103, and it has to meet all three criteria (i), (ii), and (iii).

The exceptions in 8-103 carve out things which explicitly are not securities, like options, commodity contracts, things which don't trade on markets, etc. None of them seem to apply to GME, but you can read it for yourself.

Now, to be a security, each of (i), (ii), and (iii) must be true. Let's look at (i) specifically:

(i) which is represented by a security certificate in bearer or registered form, or the transfer of which may be registered upon books maintained for that purpose by or on behalf of the issuer;

So to be a security, this must be true, which means at least one of these things:

  • It is represented by a security certificate in bearer form
  • It is represented by a security certificate in registered form
  • The transfer of the thing is registered upon the books, maintained for the purpose of registration, by the issuer (GameStop) or for the issuer (i.e. by their transfer agent, Computershare)

So, if you do not have a certificate (which is hard to come by these days, pretty much no one deals in stock certificates anymore), and you are not registered on the books maintained by Gamestop/Computershare, then you do not have a GME security. Full stop.

How does one get onto these books that are maintained by GameStop's transfer agent Computershare? (Spoiler: It's through Computershare)

Honestly, that should be the end of this post right there.

Unfortunately, due to certain derivative repping shills, I also have to talk about why a share IOU is not just as good as a share.


An entitlement holder's property interest with respect to a particular financial asset under subsection (a) is a pro rata property interest in all interests in that financial asset held by the securities intermediary,

"Pro rata" means proportional. "To the extent necessary for a securities intermediary to satisfy all security entitlements" means when push comes to shove.

If your broker doesn't have enough shares for all the IOUs they've handed out, you'll have to make do with fewer shares than you have share IOUs. If the DTC doesn't have enough shares for all the share IOUs they've handed out, you'll have to make do with fewer shares than you have share IOUs.

Edit to add this paragraph: I've responded to a comment saying "of course, all shares are pro-rata". To be clear, there is a difference between a pro-rata interest in the issuer (what we assume a share means), and a pro-rata interest in "that financial asset held by the security intermediary" (what this law states). The basis for determining this pro-rata proportion is not the company's issued/authorized/outstanding shares, but the potentially much larger number of shares owed by the intermediary to its entitlement holders. As an example, if a broker sold 1000 shares, including 100 to you, but only received and holds 500, you have property interest in just 50 shares, not the 100 you see neatly credited to your account.

But that's just my interpretation, what do I kn-- huh? what's that SEC staff?


Alright, let's wrap this post up. To summarize:

  • A real share (security) is registered on the books maintained for the issuer, by their transfer agent (or is certificated)
  • A share IOU from your broker (security entitlement) is what you actually have when your "shares" are not registered
  • A share IOU is not as good as a share. It is a pro-rata property interest in real shares held by the DTC/Cede & Co.
  • If you want to have a share instead of be owed a share, you gotta ask your broker to deliver what they owe you

All along, we said the secret ingredient was crime. And there is a lot of crime. But there is also a non-trivial amount of technically legal non-delivery due to holders not RTFL and not asking for delivery of what they paid for and are owed.

PS. Special shout outs to u/millertime1216 and u/mistakesnmoney for motivating me to write this. 🦍️❤️🦍️. Shout out to DRS haters for frustrating me enough to go look up all these laws. To any shills coming for me in the comments: hope you're not selling covered calls, those pro-rata shares may not cover you when shit hits the fan.

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