
joined 5 months ago
[–] 28 points 5 months ago

I apologize if I caused you any discomfort. About a month ago, I learned about Lemmy, and I was quietly observing, like a crab blowing bubbles in the water. Then, a few days ago, I saw a post asking, "Is Lemmy banned in China?" That sparked a thought in me: "Hey, why not register and communicate with everyone to share some real information about China?" So, I submitted an application to the admins and joined the Lemmy community. It's like a little crab suddenly swimming up from the riverbed to the surface, announcing its presence to every passing fish. This might indeed annoy the fish. As time goes by, I might become like one of the small fish, blowing bubbles together with you all in a friendly way on some issues. Or perhaps, I will return to the riverbed, continuing to be a quiet crab blowing bubbles. 😂

[–] 56 points 5 months ago (26 children)

As a Chinese person, when I was very young, I learned from books that "the Jewish people are a wise people; they put honey on books to let children know that knowledge is sweet." Before I went to university at 18, I believed that Jews were very smart, like Einstein. All my knowledge came from books. After I started university, I got my first mobile phone, and then I started accessing the internet. This led to a collapse of my worldview, as some things I had firmly believed in began to be questioned by myself. My perception of Jews was just one of many aspects that changed.

Chinese people do not discriminate against Jews. As I experienced, due to widespread propaganda, Jews have a generally positive and subtle reputation in China. The situation is more like a backlash caused by a mismatch between the promotional image and the actual product. Previously, Jews were portrayed as very wise and polite, but when the reality turned out to be different, people felt deceived, which led to what the article calls "anti-Semitism." However, in fact, on the Chinese internet, people are just bringing up the wrongdoings that some Jews have done.

Among Jews, there are both good and bad people. I support Jewish Voice for Peace and believe that a wandering people should not be discriminated against anywhere. However, Zionists want to hijack all Jews, using the concentration camps from World War II as an emotional card to coerce everyone onto their bandwagon. When the actions of Israel in Gaza reach China, almost all Chinese people are reminded of the atrocities committed by Japanese fascists in China, treating Chinese people like livestock for slaughter. The suffering of the Palestinians makes us empathize deeply. When their homes are destroyed and their relatives killed, it is reminiscent of our past. I saw a group of Israelis holding hands and dancing in front of UN emergency relief supplies to block the aid. It tore my heart apart. I don't know what to say, I can only say that the Palestinians are incredibly enduring. If it were me and most Chinese people, we simply couldn't endure it.

China has never oppressed or persecuted Jews. China even sheltered Jews in Shanghai, and the current Prime Minister of Israel has praised this. But ironically, it seems that now China still does not compare to Germany in the eyes of Israel.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

I'm sorry that I didn't realize the difference between CPC and CCP at first. Now I understand that CPC is the official term used by China, while CCP is more commonly used in Western countries. Since my English proficiency is limited to reading, I used ChatGPT to help with the translation, which caused some errors. In China, the CPC has a more down-to-earth nickname among the people: "土共" (Tugong), which translates to "Dirt Communists" or "Local Communists." This nickname is widely used because of the CPC's extensive and profound grassroots foundation, and its pragmatic, farmer-like image.

[–] 0 points 5 months ago

I have never seen a "social credit score" system. People are more concerned about the household registration (hukou) system. What you refer to as the "social credit card" is actually the social security card. In China, there is a credit rating system called Zhima Credit (Sesame Credit). If you owe a lot of money to the bank, your credit rating will be blacklisted, restricting your ability to make high-end purchases. It seems like you are very good at propaganda. Are there bad things in China? Yes, but Western media often focus their reports on what they consider taboo topics, creating a stereotypical image of China that makes Chinese people look strange. I believe Western media can't come up with other accusations, so they project their own wrongdoings onto China. Take the example of Xinjiang cotton: Chinese people can't even conceive of forced labor because we believe that human labor is more expensive than machines, which are faster and more efficient. However, the US had cotton slave plantations in the past, so you hype up this issue.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

Oh my, sweet and soft virgin Trump, I can't even imagine. 🤣
Is China socialist? In China, we usually don't say it that way. We say "socialism with Chinese characteristics," which is a system more "suitable for China's conditions." We believe China is in the primary stage of socialism, where the key focus is on liberating and developing productive forces. You might think China isn't socialist because it has wealth gaps, labor-capital conflicts, and materialistic marriages (currently, the "Fat Cat Incident" is a hot topic in China). However, China is also working on poverty alleviation (not just distributing food like relief, but arranging jobs and creating positions for poor households) and promoting "common prosperity" (when the government wants companies to help advance "common prosperity," if they refuse, the government makes things difficult for them).When a country has nothing, how can it redistribute wealth? The current situation in China can be summarized by a statement from the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "The principal contradiction in Chinese society is that between the people's ever-growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development." This contradiction exists between the eastern and western regions, urban and rural areas, and high-end high-salary and low-end low-salary jobs, among other aspects.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (2 children)

If I could get paid every time I said something good about the CCP, I would be rich by now. However, on the Chinese internet, there are people who offer 3 RMB per post to delete comments that praise the CCP. 🤣

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

This doesn't mean the government forces ordinary Chinese consumers to not use Windows; it mostly happens in departments directly funded by the government. When purchasing new computers, the government may require domestically produced components and operating systems as much as possible. Although the performance may not be top-notch, they are still sufficient for basic office work.

[–] 8 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Hydrogen can cause "hydrogen embrittlement," which makes the storage and transportation of hydrogen inconvenient. "Hydrogen embrittlement" refers to a phenomenon where metal materials become brittle and prone to fracture after absorbing hydrogen. This phenomenon poses significant challenges for the storage and transportation of hydrogen.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

I think the current situation of the Philippines with China is similar to Vietnam's situation with China in the 1970s. Vietnam signed an agreement with the Soviet Union, and the Philippines has received guarantees from the United States. If the Philippines keeps pushing China's bottom line, then we can watch the script unfold.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

As a Chinese person, I want to say: She may be innocent, but she deserves it.

Let's think of China as a computer with numerous programs running on it. The programs represent people and activities (normal work and life). The governing bodies are the operating system, while the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the programmer sitting in front of the computer. Sometimes, when programs want to change something beyond their scope of action (like street protests or large-scale online denunciations—complaining in a personal capacity is considered within normal scope), the operating system often first acts to prevent these overreaching actions (many times this doesn’t involve persecution, but rather a phone call or a visit to tell you to stop. In common terms within the country, this is called “cooling down the heat”). The primary goal of the operating system is to maintain the stable operation of the computer. The more stable and efficient it runs, the more likely it is to be promoted. When the programmer notices that a program is running unstably, the operating system will be modified to ensure greater stability and efficiency. This means the political careers of incompetent or unfit officials will end. This is why you sometimes see the government silencing people, but eventually, the situation still moves towards a relatively good outcome. For instance, in the “Tangshan BBQ beating incident,” initially the local government tried to cool down the heat, but when higher-level authorities and the CCP intervened, the local government’s protectors were removed, and the perpetrators were sentenced to 24 years. The pandemic situation was similar: at first, the Wuhan local government tried to cool down the heat, but when the whole country focused on Wuhan, several responsible officials there were held accountable by the central government and their political careers ended.

However, if the change in the program’s scope of action is due to the influence of external virus programs, even if the program's actions seem right to you, the program must be terminated. Since the pandemic began in 2019, Zhang's rhetoric has closely resembled that used by many foreign institutions, such as: calling for freedom, democracy, and denouncing CCP rule. The Chinese people do not care about this; we are more concerned with making money and improving our quality of life. It’s similar with the “Tank Man” incident: when foreign forces intervene, an internal conflict among the Chinese people becomes an external conflict between us and them. The economic conflicts of the 1990s, under the influence of Western powers, became an attempt to cause internal chaos in China through a “color revolution,” akin to a virus trying to turn the computer into a “zombie.” What do you think the programmer would do?

Foreign intervention in China is a very sensitive topic, reminding people of the history from 1840 to 1949, a period of human-on-human predation. Those who collaborated with Western countries lived very well, but ordinary people suffered immensely; small-scale farming economies were crushed by industrial machines, and proxy wars among foreign agents caused widespread chaos. Have you ever thought about why the CCP was able to unify the entire country? Why do the Chinese people support the CCP? Understand these questions before discussing China. I am tired of hearing you talk about snippets about China from Western media. It’s time to read history books, starting from 1840 to the present, paying attention to the global situation outside China. Then you will understand why China has become what it is today.

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