Thanks for staying on top of it. Glad to hear you're moving to a better situation!
Hey, have you actually read the article? I'd also highly suggest you watch the two videos included as well.
DM me. I can transfer some money to keep you afloat for a few days.
Edit: I've transferred some money to flyweather. Should help with food at the very least, but they're still looking for work.
Realistically we need to do both. $7,500 in cash is not going to solve the affordable housing shortage. Give them a roof over their heads for shelter, warmth, hygiene, privacy, security, autonomy, electricity for charging a phone. The psychological benefits alone seem huge to me. It would allow some of them to climb one or two rungs out of their situation. As you've said even a rental may not be guaranteed with $7,500 in cash. A tiny home guarantees a lot immediately, and it is a sustained investment that will last the lifetime of the home. I 100% agree that a basic income is proven to be beneficial. It doesn't mean we stop doing everything else that we can. I'm sure you know the issue isn't a lack of means, it's a lack of will. If this helps in the short term, that's great. If you also want to fight for basic income in the long term I will also support you in that. It's not a zero sum game.
I hope it works too, but IMO it's not just a matter of this one protest or just Bill 212. Doug Ford has been using these tactics in many other areas and it will take a concerted, persistent effort to bring attention to them and generally fight against this style of conservatism. I'm in it for the long run because the US has shown us what's in store if we don't protest at all.
I'm using :Rg
in the mapping, which calls ripgrep via fzf.vim, so it searches across all files in a project and gives me a preview of all the results.
I've had enough of the talking heads. I'm just going to check in on the AP News results map occasionally. Fortunately I have a few days off, so I'm going to distract myself otherwise.
I'm using :Rg
here, which calls ripgrep to perform a search across all files in a directory. So it's not just a search within a single buffer.
Seems like a good time to remind people of this excellent (enraging) visualization:
I would absolutely love to stop following American news, and that will happen when I don't have to worry about Trumpf infecting world politics.
Maybe try contacting Victoria Hand Project? or There are a number of other 3D Printed prosthetics projects out there, but I'm not sure which ones are active.