
joined 1 year ago
[–] 17 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Wish I could get my dad to get this. I tell him I use an adblocker, he says why? He's never been bothered by it. His generation grew up in a technologically inconvenient time that he now glorifies today's streaming services, not seeing how they are enshittified. It's sad and I wish I could get him to understand.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Happy!. The perfect mix of black comedy, violence, and weird central alien stuff.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

What? I don't recall seeing Farrell in any other movie before and in the Penguin he's hot as hell.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

Okay I'm too lazy to draw on the pictures so I'll translate each slide in text form. I can't believe my life has come to this lmao.

SLIDE 1: How Star Trek kickstarted the fandom culture online.

SLIDE 2: Common terms within fandom cultures. A picture of a Trekkie shown as a single individual, arrow pointing right to a Star Trek convention captioned with "part of the Star Trek fandom (collective)."

SLIDE 3: Common terms within fandom cultures, continued. Shipping: the act of shipping (characters) romantically. Occurs within practically all fandoms. Pictures of common ships (Sherlock/Watson, Eve/Villanelle, Aziraphale/Crowley, Piper/Alex). Canon vs fanon (true vs fan-made).

SLIDE 4: The famous slash phenomenon. It all begin with Star Trek: The Original Series as fans adored the dynamic between Spock and Kirk (+McCoy), leading to them creating fanart as shown in the slide. Known as Kirk "slash" Spock when tagging fanfictions depicting them in a romantic light, thus coining the term slash for homosexual male relationships.

SLIDE 5: Femslash, starting to take off more since the 90s. The lesbian counterpart to slash, not as popular however. Focus on shows with already existing queer women (like OITNB) or possibility of lesbian shipping (like The 100). Most representation comes from animated adult shows (Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy, Vi/Caitlyn, Adora/Catra, AJ/RD from MLP (not adult but it's nostalgic to me)).

SLIDE 6: So what was fanfiction again...

SLIDE 7: The wonder that is AO3. A nonprofit organisation whose goal is to preserve fan works, most commonly written fanfiction.

SLIDE 8: Here I present the most popular slash ships in Star Trek. The fanfictions counted only apply to those posted on AO3, there are more sites like fanfiction dot net and Wattpad which have more.

SLIDE 9: The popular femslash ships in Star Trek. Same principle.

I finished the PowerPoint with my personal favourite ship (hint: DS9). I lazily translated all of this and I spoke more once I presented it verbally so if anybody has any questions I'll be happy to answer lol. I stayed up until 3AM to make this and I didn't take it very seriously but it was fun! And my dad liked it. Not shipping tho.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I'll try to post it in the comments

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

That sounds fun! Tbh I love explaining these newer terms to older fans of the same show because usually they're so "dumbfounded" but happy to be educated lmao.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

I'll do a lazy translate and post it in the comments later maybe

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

No, shipping isn't something everyone knows is, especially if they're older, hence the reason I made the PowerPoint


It's in Swedish and I'm much too lazy to translate. But I figured the older generation might benefit from knowing these terms like shipping, AO3, slash, and whatnot.

He does not like the concept of shipping at all. But he thought it was educational and he liked the pictures I used. It was Star Trek themed since ST essentially coined the slash term, and we both watch it so I made that the main theme.

Well. That was fun. I love explaining nonsensical shit to older peeps.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Good Luck Charlie, Lab Rats, My Little Pony.

*somebody mentioned Duck Tales (80s version)... gah now I can't choose what to replace.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

right now a shower

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Depends on where you are. It is an idea that originated from patriarchal structures and is today enforced by both men and women. Patriarchy fucks us all, let's dismantle it.


At risk of sounding stupid, I need some pointers on how to set up a Wi-Fi router and make it as private and secure as possible.

To sound even more stupid, I don't really know what PiHole is, or why some people route their traffic through a VPN. I suppose my main questions are these:

  • What Wi-Fi router should I get?
  • How do I configurate it as somebody who is somewhat privacy-conscious but not very tech-savvy?

I don't really know how regular Wi-Fi routers work, what the common worries are, how/if data is at risk of being leaked, and so on. So, any pointers would be appreciated! Feel free to direct me to any privacy guides, as well. Cheers!


jusy fojnd out about the ladies of langallon. i love lesbians


super sad to see people especially women shitting on feminism when feminism is the reason they have a voice. childish


just spent 2 hours looking for scientific sources for my niche hs finals project. i am done (for tonight). i am getting ice cream


took me 500 fucking years to be able to post this one


lmao is true wearing a fez


wait im so confused.

so everett is sayinf the former cop always bullied him when he was a cop. then he beat him up and then the dude returned to become a cop again.

initially i thoight this was intended by true like he wanted to be bullied again LMAOAOAO then i realised the dude probably wants to extract revenge for getting beat

that means we have true's first (????) worthy opponent ??? oooouuu not somebody standing up to everett. everett haters tgis is your time to SHINE

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