
joined 11 months ago

[Architecture] Hérésies architecturales ? Des colosses imposants


Imposants, sombres, étranges : les bâtiments brutalistes perturbent autant qu'ils fascinent. Issu du mouvement moderne, ce style tire son origine du béton brut, un matériau pratique et abordable. Gros plan sur le couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette du Corbusier, le Royal National Theater de Londres et le "Serpent" à Berlin.

Construit sur pilotis à Éveux, dans la région lyonnaise, le couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette, l'une des œuvres les plus célèbres de Le Corbusier, en constitue un exemple emblématique. Véritable monstre de béton, il n'a pourtant pas fini d'émerveiller Charles Desjobert, frère dominicain et architecte. Le Royal National Theater de Londres déstabilise aussi par son austérité, avant de surprendre par son intérieur accueillant. Quant au "Serpent" à Berlin – un gigantesque immeuble d'habitation de 600 mètres de long dont le ventre est traversé par une autoroute –, il fait la fierté des habitants qu'il soude en véritable communauté. Exploration à la loupe d'un courant iconique, émaillée des éclairages d'architectes et d'historiens.

#architecture #béton #brutaliste #arte


Top 100: Best Indie Games of 2023 Year


Hop compilation des jeux indie de l'année 2023 en zik :D

#jeuxVideo #jeuxindés


Musique de jeux video


Et si on partageait nos musiques du moment ? Quelle musique vous porte ? :)

#jeuxVideo #musique

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

@Volu De rien et cela fera plaisir au jlailutins et jlailutines de découvrir de nouveaux jeux et moi aussi ! :)

Je copie et cross-poste car iels ne peuvent pas lire nos posts sur Mastodon sauf on mentionne notre commu : @jeuxvideo :)

[Jeu] Do No Harm (
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

[Jeu] Do No Harm

OP : @Volu (letsfrag)
Un Papers, Please, médical et lovecraftien ? Débarquez sur cette île de Tamalous qui sent furieusement le pus et la tentacule !


Un simulateur médical avec une touche Lovecraftienne. Usez de procédures médicales archaïques pour diagnostiquer et soigner les patients. Attention : des entités hantent chacun de vos pas, provoquant hallucinations, illusions et conséquences mortelles. Survivez à 30 jours de décisions dangereuses.


#jeuxVideo #pointAndClick #DoNotHarm


[Jeu] Oquonie : La poésie des espaces finis


Sonorités mécaniques de boite à musique, dédale de pièces connectées, isométrie 8bits sans doute nostalgique, Oquonie prend d’abord des airs des déjà-vu, déjà joué, comme approuvé/éprouvé par une génération de joueurs trentenaires ou quadra.

Si, si, souvenez-vous: Crafton & Xunk, Head Over Heels, ou, plus proche, plus connu, Cadaver, des titres qui, derrière leur représentation, reposaient sur un level design/puzzle qu’il fallait décrypter, déchiffrer avant de progresser, pas à pas, une salle à la fois.

Oquonie, c’est la même mécanique générale de révélation/puzzle. Plus esthétisante certes, mais la routine de découverte par l’échec, par la répétition, est ici à nouveau conviée. Pour ouvrir des portes, passer d’une salle, d’un monde à l’autre, l’avatar revêt de nouvelles formes, de nouvelles identités ( dinosaure, cochon, oiseau, etc) qui sont autant de clefs vers leurs propres univers. Mais, avant d’enfiler ces « masques », le joueur doit d’abord collecter trois icônes « à leur image» en « s’entretenant » avec les animaux/habitants de ce labyrinthe. L’affaire se complique puisque certains se terrent dans des « poches » d’univers. [...]

Le site de Rekka Bell:

#jeuxvideo #oquonie #reflexion


[Jeu] Things Too Ugly


1986, dans le Midwest des États-Unis. Vous êtes gestionnaire des risques pour Terebro Inc., responsable du traitement des données de l’entreprise. Votre service de nuit est consacré à classer de vieilles archives. Mais celui de ce soir va faire remonter de sombres secrets à la surface, vous bouleverser et le reste du monde avec.

#canardPC #ThingTooUgly #pointAndClick


[Interview] L'écriture d'un jeu est une affaire d'équipe - Emmanuel Corno


Dans Head Shot, Marion Bargiacchi va à la rencontre "des têtes et des jeux", des gens qui fabriquent amoureusement ce que nous prenons tant de plaisir à dépiauter.

Pour cette rentrée, ORIGAMI reçoit Emmanuel Corno, narrative designer intervenu au contact de nombreux projets français parmi lesquels Event[0], Alt-Frequencies, Foretales et Les Mondes d'Aria. Notre invité revient sur ses différentes expériences et l'importance du collectif dans la création.

#origami #headShot #jeuxVideo #GameDesigner #NarrativeDesigner #EmmanuelCorno #MarionBargiacchi

[Jeu] DOOM has now been ported to... a PDF! (
submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by to c/

[Jeu] DOOM has now been ported to... a PDF!


(Works in Chromium)

The most portable document.

#JeuxVideo #Doom #PDF


[Actu] Présentation de The Wisher 3 un MOBA-Smash-like incubé chez Bungie | Le Licenciathon reprend ses droits


Toute l'actu récente du JV avec Gaut-Gaout-Gataz ? C'est tout de suite sur notre chaîne Twitch !

#Origami #jeuxVideo #Wisher

[Jeu] Mirthwood (
submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by to c/

[Jeu] Mirthwood


Mirthwood, qu’est-ce que j’ai envie de t’aimer. Avec ta verdoyance, tes graphismes simples comme un paysan ivre de labeur et de bière tiède à la fin d’une journée de battage. Tu peux bien me jouer de la vièle en tenue de troubadour, je vois clair sous ton enrobage médiéval-fantastique : tu es Stardew Valley en chausses. Sauf qu’au lieu de mon job aliénant du tertiaire, c’est ici toute ma famille que j’abandonne lâchement en pleine guerre, pour aller reprendre non pas la ferme de mon grand-père, mais celle que me confie un mystérieux inconnu habillé en médecin de peste.

#jeuxVideo #canardPC #Mirthwood #rpg #survie


[Painting] Two Fishermen from Skagen at the Window in the Grocery Store, 1915 | Michael Ancher


Two fishermen in full working gear – oilskins and sou’westers – gaze out of a window. The incoming daylight illuminates their faces and upper bodies and sets them apart from the otherwise barely lit room.

The play of light on the smooth surface of their oilskin jackets is captured in rough brushstrokes, but their facial features are rendered in rich detail. Their faces frozen in concentration, the two men are staring intently at what is happening outside: everyday village life, the weather or homecoming fishermen?

The paintings by the Skagen artists’ colony around Michael Ancher captured contemplative scenes unrelated to work, and not only the high-adrenaline, laborious and dangerous activity of fishermen and sailors on the coast and the high seas.

Aside from domestic settings, the village pub belonging to Brøndums Hotel – referred to in the title as the “grocery shop” – was an important location for portraying village life.

Skagen artists showed a great fondness for painting interior scenes, which was partly due to the renewed popularity of genre painting from the Dutch Golden Age during the second half of the 19th century. Echoing the influential French art historian Théophile Thoré – who rediscovered the work of the Dutch painter Jan Vermeer – the Skagen painter and art historian Karl Madsen highlighted his outstanding importance for contemporary painting in 1884.

The Danish art historian Emil Hannover boldly undertook a direct comparison between works by Vermeer and Ancher in an exhibition review from 1887.

Although far simpler in structure, the painting “Two Fishermen from Skagen at the Window in the Grocery Store” also reveals parallels to Veneer’s compositional style. Like here, the figures in his paintings are often placed at the window, with daylight streaming in from the side to highlight the materiality of their clothing and the furnishings. KS

#Painting #MichaelAncher #sailors #fisherman


[Photographie] "Ce travail permet de les aider à tenir l'enfermement." Des photographies captivantes de femmes en prison, par Céline Levain


L’artiste Céline Levain a photographié 17 femmes de la maison d’arrêt d’Angoulême et du centre pénitentiaire de Vivonne. Elle en sort un très beau livre “Captives” en hommage à ces femmes incarcérées.

C'est par hasard qu’est née la rencontre de Céline Levain avec ces femmes détenues. La photographe fait partie d’un collectif d’auteurs illustrateurs sur Angoulême. Au cours d’une réunion, un conseiller Pénitentiaire d’Insertion et de probation (SPIP) se présente. Il est à la recherche d’un intervenant pour des animations culturelles dans les prisons. “Tout de suite, j’ai levé la main, j’avais à cœur de travailler sur la représentation féminine… Je voulais m’emparer du sujet autour de ces femmes”, avoue l’autrice.

#Carceral #Prison #Femme #CelineLevan #Photographie #Portrait

[–] 1 points 8 months ago



Hela scenario is inspired by the story of the Henrietta Lacks whose cells gave birth to the "immortal cell line" HeLa which originated from cancer stem cells taken from the pelvis of Henrietta Lacks without her knowledge in 1957 and has been used throughout the world. It is the most commonly used cell line, it has led to research successes on many diseases. If Henrietta Lacks was not cured and died, her cells took on an autonomous life, they were cloned in a massive way, even transformed for the study of cancers of other organs. HeLa cells are known to have contaminated other cells in laboratories, which is what finally made the family of the deceased Henrietta Lacks aware of the existence of HeLa, bringing a form of posthumous recognition. Several forms of tributes have been paid, including an asteroid named after her 359426Lacks, the naming was based on a proposal by Carrie Nugent who also proposed to name an asteroid after Rosa Parks. It is on this Asteroid that the storyline of our game takes place, it addresses the wonderful story of this immortal cell line from a black woman who was not healed but helped heal many whites.


Dynamic backgrounds and procedural (generative) scenery composed of HeLa cells, so that each time the game is launched, just as the HeLa cells split infinitely, the environment in which the player moves is never exactly the same as the previous game.

The shapes evoke living organisms in constant mutation (in the design of the characters as well as in the elements of the scenery) inspired by images of cells observed under the microscope.

The game is developed following in a feminist group of women identified persons a horizontal and collaborative model under a free art licence, and using the free software Godot Engine. Please feel free to check our source code and eventually reach out to us if you are interested in contributing or hosting workshops where we present our organisation and work procedure.

All workshops and events are announced on and you can reach out to or ameliedumont or natacha regarding any questions or propositions.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

@wazoox Vermeer ? La chance c'est très beau ​:pika_love:​

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

@FLYGOD2x j'ai joué aux deux et Dordogne j'ai adoré. Gris moins car ça demande du click que j'e n'ai pas.

Dordogne, C'est très relaxant et court. ya de superbes images aquarellés. Ya la création d'un livre de souvenir qui est magnifique.

Le tout mélange des souvenirs et ça réveille les notre tapis dans une grotte. Après ça peut etre difficile selon ton histoire.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago


Yes we should add social factor per country.

You weren't talking about those but about manga in general and compared them to meth. Which somewhat annoy me.

I apologize, i don't want to talk about child abuse. I won't be able to bear it, so for my mental health i prefer to avoid this topic. It's too heavy, i hope you will understand.

Those i mentionned above are also stories told to people. They also can pollute the mind as you said. Why should we exclude them ?

We can talk about marvel movie and the body stereotype, we can talk about newpapers that influence people mood and beliefs and may induce them into violence and hate crime...the topic is broad.

We can also talk about meth destroying people life, drug market, gun market, farmers forced to grow some plants, ecological problem related to tabacco...

So, I still don't think you can compare manga seller to meth seller.

However, you can talk about stories wether they are picture or text. How they influence people's beliefs. It also involve history book, newpapers, media...its a very interesting topic.

Or another topic : capitalism. The way manga are geared is due to the current competition. You have to make sure anyone will buy your production. Otherwise you can't pay your rent, your the current problem isn't related to manga but society and its economical system.

Well, i suggest we stop there. It's the weekend.

I wanted to raise awareness about manga production and working condition. Manga editor can improve them by raising the deadline and slowing down the production. Also most drawing autor suffer hand injury...

Your point was the influence of manga in society. It's an interesting topic. :)

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)


I read plenty books about magics, cyperpunk, fantasy, there is lot battle. I also played lot violent video game and became the most dangerous man in the world.

I never killed anyone. Nor tried jumping from a window with a broom. Japanese read mangas daily, play lot video games...

However, we can talk about the bible.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (4 children)

@timewarp Meth are drug and heavily modify body function. Drawing don't do that. But i only agree on one point, their working condition are poor.

Manga are drawing that require long practice to reach a certain quality and speed.

Whilemost artist working condition is poor and they put their blood and sweat to gain a living, editor cannot be compared to dealer from an ethical stance, they doesn't provok addiction, nor participate in gun traffic.

Futhermore, you may not like manga but don't call them junk. It's very hard to draw a good line as they do. You won't be able to reach it after years of daily practice.

They draw and create story because human love story. The bible, the egyptian, the trajan columns, movies...and yes they have to make money since our daily live is tied to this economical system.

However, if you don't have any passion for drawing you will quickly abandon it. They will draw even if their hand hurt. And manga publisher do they best to know their public and sell story. Bakuman manga sum it up well.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (6 children)

@timewarp sorry, i don't get your point. Why are you talking about drug ?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

@Camus J'ai pas fini mais la première page m'a donné envie et en plus c'est transcrit :)

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