It's a stray cat though?
Noooo I hope they can fix it!
I love glockenspiels and wanted to see it one day! (What can I say, in order to be realistic my travel aspirations have become very small).
That on's probably also because Smokefree Aotearoa was introduced under John Key's National Government in the first place.
Tariana Turia spearheaded it when the Māori Party was in coalition with National, it came out of a Māori Affairs Select Committee process back in 2011 but John Key was totally on board with it and every iteration of the goverment has been.
It's not a National vs Labour issue and no one had any reason to think it was about to be derailed. We've collectively spent a fortune on it, and no one is particularly passionate about making young people start smoking (except tobacco companies).
Glad you're getting better. Slowly increasing your hours is the way to go.
That looks like fun!
That website your using is so cool.
I don't get out much, but from what I have heard from repentant National voters of my acquaintance, the problem is they wanted the leopards to slowly and quietly eat other people's faces behind the scenes.
Instead the leopards are enthusiastically ripping off faces in public, and it's shaming them. Particularly the meals in schools for some reason.
It antagonizes the people in my life; that's bad enough.
It really is.
A useful wake up call for National supporters is to reflect on will they still be comfortable with this legislation when a Labour/Green government is in power and, say, Marama Davidson is the one who chooses which organizations to invite and picks the projects to rush through.
The moral of the story to me is leave your smartphone at home and just bring a dumbphone if you think you could be arrested.
My dumbphone has a broken key and it is infuriatingly hard to unlock though so it might antagonize them.
If you have the Mona Lisa in your house then letting the police into your house incriminates you, but the whole point of the search is for them to be able to find it.
I think the right to remain silent was meant to protect us from being tortured, not as a shield to hide things?
The fast track could affect so much stuff.
We could end up with white elephant projects or worse, something super destructive from an overseas mining company that we can't get rid of without opening us up to Investor State Disputes.
It's a return to Muldoonism but the global stakes are much higher these days, we can't afford to play banana republic.
2/3 of these animals aren't in my country so I don't know about the logistics but this seems really cool!